Grammar: Present Simple and Present Continuous
Vocabulary: Making movies
Vocabulary: TV Shows
Grammar: Present Continuous
Surprise Questions

Identify and correct the mistake in the following sentence:"He is plays football every day."

The correct sentence is: "He plays football every day."
The Present Simple is used for regular actions, so "is plays" is incorrect.


The __________ (actor / set) is where the movie is filmed, and it includes all the decorations and props.

Set. The "set" is the physical location or constructed environment where filming takes place.


Which of the following is a type of TV show that usually makes you laugh?
a) Documentary
b) Comedy
c) Soap Opera

b) Comedy


Which of the following sentences is in the Present Continuous tense?
a) She plays soccer every Saturday.
b) They are watching a movie right now.
c) I read books in my free time.

Answer: b) They are watching a movie right now.


What's your favorite cartoon when you were a kid?



I __________ (like / am liking) to read in the evening, but right now I __________ (watch / am watching) TV.

like, am watching
"Like" is in Present Simple (a general preference), and "am watching" is in Present Continuous (an action happening now).


Which of the following is responsible for managing the film's visual style?
a) Actor
b) Director
c) Sound Engineer

Director. The director oversees the creative aspects of a film, including its visual presentation.


She likes watching __________ (sports show / soap opera) because she enjoys following the characters’ lives.

soap opera
Reason: Soap operas focus on the ongoing lives of characters, whereas sports shows focus on sports events.


He __________ (eat) dinner at the moment.

is eating.
The Present Continuous tense is formed with "is" + the verb + "-ing."


True or False: A sound engineer only works on the visual aspects of a movie.

False. A sound engineer is responsible for managing audio elements, not visual aspects.


He usually __________ (play) tennis on Sundays, but today he __________ (play) basketball.

plays, is playing
"Plays" is Present Simple for a habit, while "is playing" is Present Continuous for an action happening now.


What is a script?
a) The dialogue and directions for a film.
b) The clothing worn by characters.
c) The equipment used to record sound.

a) The dialogue and directions for a film.
A script contains all the lines and instructions for the film's production.


Which sentence correctly uses the term "on-demand series"?
a) I watch my favorite on-demand series whenever I want.
b) On-demand series are always live.
c) I have never seen an on-demand series.

a) I watch my favorite on-demand series whenever I want.
 On-demand series can be watched at any time, rather than being tied to a schedule.


What __________ (you / do) right now?

are you doing


She __________ (study / is studying) English this semester.

is studying


What __________ (you / do) every morning?

do you do
This is a Present Simple question about a habitual action.


Which sentence correctly uses the term "costume"?
a) The actor forgot his costume at home.
b) The camera operator took the costume.
c) The director wrote the costume.

a) The actor forgot his costume at home.
Reason: A "costume" refers to the clothing worn by actors, making this sentence accurate.


My brother enjoys watching __________ (drama / news) to stay informed about current events.

Answer: news
Reason: News programs provide information about current events.


Identify and correct the mistake in the following sentence: "She is read a book now."

"She is reading a book now."


True or False: You can use the Present Continuous tense to describe future plans.

The Present Continuous can also be used for scheduled future events (e.g., "I am meeting her tomorrow").


She __________ (enjoys / is enjoying) music every day, but today she __________ (listen / is listening) to a podcast.

enjoys, is listening
"Enjoys" is in Present Simple (a general habit), while "is listening" is in Present Continuous (an action happening now).


Match the job role with its description:

  • Camera Operator
  • Sound Engineer
  • Costume

a) The person who operates the camera during filming.
b) The clothing worn by actors in a film.
c) The person responsible for capturing and managing sound.

Camera Operator — a)
Sound Engineer — c)
Costume — b)


Match the type of TV show with its description:

  • Chat Show
  • Game Show
  • Soap Opera

a) A program where guests discuss various topics.
b) A dramatic series that follows the lives of characters over time.
c) A contest where contestants answer questions or perform tasks to win prizes.

Chat Show — a)
Game Show — c)
Soap Opera — b)


What does the Present Continuous tense describe?
a) Actions happening at the moment.
b) Habits and routines.
c) Completed actions in the past.

a) Actions happening at the moment.


What does the Present Continuous tense describe?
a) Actions that are true in general.
b) Actions happening at the moment of speaking.
c) Actions that happened in the past.

b) Actions happening at the moment of speaking.
