plus sign, addition sign
minus sign, subtraction sign
5 + 5
doubles/making a ten
has numbers 0-100
hundreds chart
What place is the 2 in in the following number: 72
the ones place
to jump ahead on a number line
count up
to jump bac on a number line
count back
17 ------> 10 + 7
breaking down numbers
boxes to break down numbers
decompose/partial sums/ partial difference
What place is the 3 in in the following number: 39
14 + 21 = ?
76 - 46 = ?
A line with the numbers from 14 to 36 on it
Number line
a line with numbers on it
number line
40, forty
answer to an addition problem
the total in a subtraction problem, the amount that is between the two numbers
drawing tens and ones
base ten blocks/model/picture
tens and ones
base ten blocks
What is 5 ones equal to?
5, five
one of the two numbers being added together
the number we are taking away from in a subtraction problem
numbers from 1 -100 in boxes in order
hundreds chart
____ + ____ = ?
What is 7 tens and 3 ones equal to?
73, seventy three