The head is above the neck.
What is superior
What is the space within the skull that holds the brain.
What is the cranial cavity
This system includes the upper part to have kidneys and ureters and the lower part to have bladder and urethra.
what is Urinary system
When a bone has a fracture due to an excessive force. This can damage the surrounding soft tissues and the body can initiate a healing process.
What is Broken bone
How many muscles are in the human body.
What is more than 650 muscles in the body
The heart is closer to the midline than the lungs
What is medial
A socket in the skill in which houses the eye and other connective tissue.
What is the Orbital cavity
External and internal organs work together to enable sexual reproduction. It involves ovaries, fallopian tubes, and the uterus.
What is Reproductive system
Long bone located in the forearm which stabilizes the limb while the radius bone produces movement.
What is ulna
Consists of two main muscles because they come together at the heel and form your achilles tendon.
what is Gastrocnemius
The nose is in front of the ears.
What is anterior
Contains the internal organs and protects them.
What is Body cavity
The main function of this system is to take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide and water vapor.
What is Respiratory system
How many bones does the human body have?
What is 206 bones
This muscle is closest to the skin, upper back and trunk. Covers the upper back of the shoulder and trunk.
What is Trapezius muscle
The spinal cord is behind the heart.
What is posterior
The space between the abdominal wall and the spine that contains the stomach, liver, pancreas and other vital organs.
What is the Abdominal cavity
Produces hormones that make the body grow and is made up of glands and organs.
What is Endocrine system
These bones are longer than they are wide and the short bones are about the same in length, width, and thickness.
What are Long and short bones
Thick but flattened muscle that extends from the inferior posterior scapula to the medial lip of the intertubercular groove of the humerus.
What is Teres major muscle
The ears are farther away from midline than the head.
What is lateral
Space inside the nose that lets air pass through the nose and be filtered before entering the lungs.
What is nasal cavity
Made up of the heart, blood vessels, and blood. Main function is to transport nutrients and oxygen to all parts of the body.
What is Cardiovascular system
Known as the shoulder blade that's flat and connects to one of a pair of bones at the front base of the neck. It forms a shoulder girdle and allows for wide arm movements.
What is Scapula and clavicle
It is the muscle of the anterior abdominal wall. It's also large and the most flat abdominal wall muscle. Flexion and contralateral rotation of the torso.
What is External oblique muscle