This is the number of Testaments in the Bible.
This word means Good News.
This person came to Earth to show us how to live and through his death, our sins are forgiven and through his grace we will have eternal life.
This is the name of the first 5 books of the Bible.
The Pentateuch
The Lord is my _______. I shall not want.
The number of books in the Bible.
This is another word for "promise."
I denied Jesus 3 times.
This is the type of paper that the original Bible was written on.
For ______ loved the world so much that he gave his only begotten Son
This testament of the Bible includes 3000 years of history before Jesus lived on Earth.
Old Testament
This book of the Bible means "songs."
This person was directed by God to build a very large boat and to bring 2 of every kind of animal aboard to escape the great flood.
This is how the words of Jesus are denoted in the New Testament.
With red writing
You must love your _______ as yourself.
This testament of the Bible covers about 1000 years of time and the birth, life, and death of Jesus.
New Testament
This is a person who could tell the future.
A prophet
This person was kept safe as a baby by his mother placing him in a basekt in the weeds on the edge of a river. As an adult, he later went on to free God's people, the Israelites, from Egypt and the evil Pharoh. This person is also thought to be the first author of the Bible.
At least 2 of the three languages the Bible was originally written in.
Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek
In the beginning was the _______, and the ________ was with God, and the _______ was God.
These are the books included in the Gospel.
Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John
This was the word used to describe the first church.
This brave women lived in the brick walls of Jericho. She hid 2 Israelite spies and used a red rope hung from her window to indicate a place of safety.
These 3 words are used to describe the Bible.
Pperfect, truth, and enough (Or, infallible, inerrant and sufficient.)
Where is this verse found: "Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light for my path." (Lámpara es a mis pies tu palabra, y lumbrera a mi camino.)
Psalms 119:105