French Revolution
Industrial Revolution
During the mid-1700s, the French people were divided into estates, or classes. Which of the following formed the largest and poorest class in French society? a. First Estate b. Second Estate c. Third Estate d. Fourth Estate
What is c. Third Estate
Who invented the steam engine? a. Eli Whitney b. James Watt c. Richard Arkwright d. Thomas Edison
Who is b. James Watt
What is the definition of imperialism? a. One country becoming a world power b. One country controls the economic, political and social aspects of another country c. One country losing gold to another country d. One country rebelling against another country
What is b. One country controls the economic, political and social aspects of another country
A policy in which all imperial nations would have equal trading rights is called ____________________. a. Open Door policy b. A protectorate c. A sphere of influence d. Free trade zone
What is a. Open Door policy
The general purpose behind the Reign of Terror was to a. make France a republic by eliminating Marie Antoinette. b. make a statement to France's enemies. c. eliminate, or get rid of, any opposition to the revolution. d. clear out the over-crowded prisons.
What is c. eliminate, or get rid of, any opposition to the revolution.
The rise of industrialism-an economic system in which people rely more on machinery and technology than animal or human power- changed life so much that historians refer to these changes as the Industrial revolution. Which of the following helped pave the way for the Industrial Revolution? a. the rise of cottage industries b. start of the enclosure movement c. the rise of the domestic system d. a decline in textile profits
What is b. start of the enclosure movement
European imperialism promoted the development of nationalism in Asian and Africa countries by a. accidentally uniting people to oppose, or dislike, foreign rule b. promoting free trade associations among the colonies c. establishing Christianity as the common religion d. discouraging patriotism towards their own country
What is a. accidentally uniting people to oppose, or dislike, foreign rule
Pride in one’s own country that is based on shared customs and a common history is _____________________. a. nationalism b. patriotism c. imperialism d. militarism
What is a. nationalism
17. What was the goal of the Congress of Vienna in 1814? a. to spread Christianity throughout Europe b. to return Europe to the way it was before the French Revolution c. to create unequal balance of power in Europe d. to promote revolutionary and nationalistic ideas
What is b. to return Europe to the way it was before the French Revolution
Which of the following was an underlying, or deep rooted, cause of the French Revolution? a. a growing French empire b. unequal tax burdens c. a law granting peasants more freedom d. equal land ownership
What is b. unequal tax burdens
The Industrial Revolution first took root in _________________________. a. the United States b. Germany c. Japan d. Great Britain
What is d. Great Britain
By 1914, imperial powers controlled a major portion of the world. All of the following were generally true of imperial colonial policies except ___________________. a. they improved transportation b. they built schools and hospitals c. they treated native people as equals d. they flooded markets with cheap manufactured goods
What is c. they treated native people as equals
The Monroe Doctrine warned Europeans ________________________________________. a. not to build any new colonies in Africa b. not to build any new colonies in Asia c. not to build any new colonies in America d. not to build any new colonies in India
What is c. not to build any new colonies in America
In 1898, the United States fought a war with Spain. Which of the following was a result of the War of 1898, also known as the Spanish-American War? a. increased Spanish territories b. decreased United States a world power c. an end to the debate over imperialism d. increased United States foreign investments
What is d. increased United States foreign investments
The immediate cause that triggered, or starter, the French Revolution was the ____________________________ . a. fall of the Bastille b. Reign of Terror c. Execution of King Louis XVI d. Return on Napoleon Bonaparte
What is a. fall of the Bastille
6. Mass production brought many changes to how goods were created. All of the following changes were associated with mass production except a. the use of identical, machine parts b. the use of the assembly line c. the manufacture of unique, handmade goods d. a division of labor among workers
What is c. the manufacture of unique, handmade goods
Imperialism is one country’s control of the government and economy of another country. All of the following were goals of imperial nations in the late 1800s and early 1900s except ___________________________. a. winning new markets for manufactured goods b. finding skilled labor to work in factories c. learning other peoples’ culture d. finding places to build new factories
What is c. learning other peoples’ culture
What is urbanization? a. sudden government takeover b. way of life based on machinery and factories c. money invested in businesses d. movement from rural areas to cities
What is d. movement from rural areas to cities
In the early 1800s, the countries now known as Italy and Germany did not exist. Which of the following concepts played the biggest role in the unifications of Italy and Germany? a. socialism b. capitalism c. nationalism d. industrialism
What is c. nationalism
Napoleon Bonaparte used his power to change France into an empire. What other change did he bring to France? a. he raised taxes b. he devised a new legal code for France c. he ended European wars d. he created a bureaucracy based on social class or birth
What is b. he devised a new legal code for France
What were the 4 causes of the Industrial Revolution?
What is 1. Enclosure Movement, 2. Capital and Labor, 3. Natural Resources and Markets, 4. New Inventions
Imperial nations carved up Africa in the 1800s and early 1900s. Which were the only two African nations that remained free of European control in 1914? a. Union of South Africa and Morocco b. Liberia and Ethiopia c. Algeria and Congo d. Gold Coast and Nigeria
What is b. Liberia and Ethiopia
What is industrialism? a. money invested in business? b. association of united workers c. movement from rural areas to cities d. way of life based on machinery and factories
What is d. way of life based on machinery and factories