He is our Savior
Jesus Christ
Title of this song "Lead me, guide me, walk beside me, help me find the way.
I am a Child of God
What movie has seven dwarfs?
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
what letter comes after E?
The letter F
What month is Christmas?
CTR stands for
Choose The Right
What does LDS stand for?
Latter-Day Saints
The song "Let it Go" is from what movie?
what letter comes after M?
The letter N
What month is Valentines Day?
This person is Nephi's Dad
What are the primary colors?
Red, Yellow and Blue
Which Disney movie has a magic carpet?
What letter comes before R?
The letter Q
What month is Mothers day
Who is Our Living Prophet
Russel M. Nelson
What are the names of the 2 priesthoods?
Aaronic and Melchizedek priesthood
I am mighty and in love with Mickey
Minnie Mouse
what letter comes before X?
The letter W
What month is Independence Day in?
Jesus was baptized in this river?
Jordan River
Jesus died on the cross to save us. We are able to repent of our sins because of Him. This is called ____
The Atonement
All that was left was a glass slipper
How many letters are in the Alphabet?
What month is Labor Day in?