Make the word dog plural.
What is dogs?
Name the noun in the sentence:
The cat ran fast.
What is cat?
This is the ending we use when we want a word to show it already happened.
What is -ed?
This is the name of your teacher.
Who is Ms. Dooling?
Spell trick.
What is t-r-i-c-k?
Make the word tables singular.
What is table?
Name the verb in the sentence:
The family painted their house.
What is painted?
This is the word used to describe something that will happen later.
What is will?
This is the number of months in a year.
What is 12?
Spell smoke.
What is s-m-o-k-e?
Usually we add an -s to a word to make it plural. However, words that end in -s, -x, -z, -ch, and -sh have this ending.
What is -es?
Name the adjective in the sentence:
The beautiful butterfly is flying.
What is beautiful?
Name the ending used on a word that describes it happening now.
What is -s or -ing?
Name the days of the week.
What is Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday?
Name a pattern where you hear a long a sound.
What is a_e, ai, or ay?
Make the word fox plural.
What is foxes?
Name the nouns in the sentence:
The park has many trees.
What are park and trees?
Spell the word 'use' to show past tense.
What is used?
This is Ms. Jackie's favorite color.
What is red?
Spell pray.
What is p-r-a-y?
Make the word benches singular.
What is bench?
Name the three articles we use to number the nouns in a sentence.
What are a, an, and the?
Spell the word skip using the present tense form -ing.
What is s-k-i-p-p-i-n-g?
Name the person who is our principal at Maternity BVM.
Who is Mrs. Unger?
Spell train.
What is t-r-a-i-n?