Something all living things need to survive
28 minus 7
What is 11?
11:10 (11:05)
The first president of the United States
Who is George Washington?
How many syllables are in amazing?
The season we celebrate Thanksgiving
Fall / Autumn
What time is a quarter past 6?
The president on the penny
Who is Abraham Lincoln?
Wrote the “ I Have a Dream” speech
Who is Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (MLK)?
The meaning of prefix -dis
What is the opposite of or not?
Name 2 classifications of animals
Reptile. Amphibians.
Birds. Fish. Mammal.
Two halves equal
What one whole?
The game played in P.E. where two teams chase one another around the cones
What is cat and mouse?
This is a larger mass of water
What is the ocean?
What two words make the contraction she'll?
she + will
Name a cloud and the type of weather it brings
Cumulus or cirrus sunny weather.
Stratus rain or snow.
Cumunumbius thunderstorms.
4 times 3
What is 12?
paper in Spanish
When is papel?
The continent we live on
What is North America?
Which word comes third in alphabetical order? a. friend b. fish c. family
a. friend
The steps of the water cycle
What is Evaporation, Condensation, Precipitation?
Number of faces on a cube
What is 6?
Two ladies who founded Mainland Preparatory Academy
Who is Diane Merchant and Wilma Green?
Someone who uses the goods made by the producer
What is the consumer?
What is the opposite/ antonym of wonderful? a. friend b. great c. awful
c. awful