Who Am I?
All About Me
School Success
Interests into Careers
Mrs. Beutel's Choice

This is a person who is in charge of a school

A principal


Name one of your interests (things you like to do) Everyone one your team needs to answer at least one thing.

(teams will get points if each player answers the question)


List something students can do to be great learners. More than one right answer will earn your team more points!

Finish homework, listen to teachers, help others, follow directions, etc.


This would be a good job for someone who likes to help people.

Police Officer, Nurse, Doctor, Firefighter, Realtor, Bus Driver, Librarian, Attorney (Lawyer)

During math class, one of your friends keeps making funny faces at you. You are super annoyed and want your friend to stop. Is this a Big Problem or a Small Problem? What could you do?
Part 1: Small Problem. Part 2: Ignore it, Tell them to Stop

This is a person who makes sure people are following laws and keeps people safe.

A Police Officer


Name one of your strengths (something you are good at) Everyone on your team needs to list at least one thing.

Points awarded if each member can list at least one strength.


This is a school that people attend after they have graduated high school. It is where people learn about their future careers. Extra points if you can name more than one.

College, University or Technical College


This is a good career for someone who likes to play a sport:

Athletic Trainer, Sportscaster, Physical Therapist, Sports Medicine Aide, Sports and Fitness Nutritionist, Physical Education Teacher, Coach

What is the difference between tattling and telling/reporting?
Tattling = small problem, to get someone in trouble. Telling/Reporting = big problem, need adult to help, to keep someone safe.

This worker helps people when they are sick or hurt. List two for more points.

Doctor or Nurse


This is a word that means "things you like to do"



Responsibility is important to doing well in school. What are some ways that students can show responsibility in school? Your team can earn more points if you have more than one answer

Take homework home every night, finish homework and bring it back to school on time, come to school on time, follow directions, have your parents sign your planner.


What is a good job for a person who is creative?

Photographer, Artist, Musician, Graphic Designer, Writer, Cosmetologist, Chef, Fashion Designer


You are playing a game with your friends at recess. One of your friends keeps cheating and won't go "out" when they lost the game. Is this a Big Problem or a Small Problem? What can you do?

Small Problem. Talk it out, tell them to stop, go to another game.


This is a worker that keeps our school clean and tidy. Extra points if you can list some ways that students can help this worker.

Custodian Pick up garbage around school, treat our school's things with respect


How is a career different than a job?

A job is something you do simply to earn money

A career is the occupation sought out by a person, for an important period of his/her life


This is how students show they have good teamwork. Your team may earn extra points for more than one correct answer.

Taking turns, listening to team members ideas, being fair, working problems out, etc.


This job would be good for a person who likes math and/or science:

pharmacist, scientist, engineer, banker, computer technician


You see a 4th grader throwing rocks at a 1st grader. Is this a Big Problem or a Small Problem? What can you do?

Big Problem. Tell an adult.


This is the person at school who you can talk to when you have problems. This person meets with students alone, in groups, and during classroom counseling lessons.

Your school counselor! :-)


This is a word that means "things you are good at"

Strengths or Skills


What do the letters stand for in ROCKET?

Students are Respectful, Open-Minded, Caring, Kind, Encouraging, and Trustworthy


What would be a good job for a person who enjoys working with animals?

Veterinarian, Animal Trainer, Pet Sitter, Animal Cruelty Investigator, Animal Rehabilitation Center Employee, Animal Groomer, Animal Photographer, Zoologist, Animal-Assisted Therapist


You are doing an art project, and a classmate takes your markers without asking. Is this a Big Problem or a Small Problem? What can you do?

Small Problem. Talk it out, Tell them to stop, Share and take turns, Make a deal
