American Symbols
Elected Officials
Characteristics of a Good Citizen
Our Freedoms
What do you look at when you say the Pledge of Allegiance.
a. The White House b. The Washington Memorial c. The American flag d. A bald eagle
This person runs a city.
A. the president B. the mayor C. the teacher D. the governor
What does honesty mean?
a. doing things by yourself b. telling the truth c. following the rules d. controlling yourself

What does being able to share your opinions and ideas?

a. Freedom of Speech b. Freedom of Religion c. Equal Protection 

rules are_________
a. guidelines for how we should act or behave b. written by the government c. a game d. enforced by police officers.
This was built as a memorial to President George Washington.
a. The Lincoln memorial b. The White House c. The Washington Monument d. The Statue of Liberty
This person runs our country.
a. the mayor b. the governor c. the teacher d. the president

What does self-reliance mean?

a. being in your ability to do things by yourself b. telling the truth c. following the rules d. controlling your actions


Which of the following is a way we can contribute to our community?

a. picking up trash b. eating lunch c. playing a game d. watching TV

Laws are__________
a. just guidelines for how we should act b. important rules written by our government c. directions for how to do work d. a list of our rights
This statue of a woman holding a torch stands in New York.
a. The Washington Monument b. The White House c. The National Anthem d. The Statue of Liberty
This person runs the state
a. the president b. the teacher c. the mayor d. the governor
What is self-discipline?
a. telling the truth b. doing things for yourself c. controlling yourself and doing what is right d. riding a bike with no hands

Which of the following is a way that we can contribute to our community?

a. riding our bikes b. going to birthday parties c. voting d. reading books


What is the name of our national anthem?

a. Pledge of Allegiance b. American Flag c. Star Spangled Banner d. Washington Monument

This is our national bird and symbolizes freedom.
a. The robin b. The turkey c. The bald eagle d. The woodpecker

Voters elect government officials to ________.

a. make decisions for them b. visit schools

 C.  volunteer at parks d. talk to the president

What is trustworthiness?
a. cleaning your room b. always doing what you say you will do c. doing things without asking for help d. having respect for others

How are all the different people in the United States united as Americans?

a. everyone celebrates Valentine's Day b. each person owns an American flag c. Americans share common principles and traditions d. no one calls themselves an American


What does "Equality under the law" mean?

a. we all get the same amount of dessert b. we all can wear the same clothes c. we all have to follow the same laws and have the same consequences if we don't follow the laws d. we all have the same bed time

The pledge of Allegiance is which of the following?
a. a song b. a promise c. a story d. a law
Who decides who will be our elected officials?
a. the president b. voters c. the government d. kids
What is something a good citizen does?
a. vote b. show respect to others and their property c. obey rules and laws d. all of the above

The Pledge of Allegiance is a ______.

a. notional pledge b. state pledge c. community pledge d. school pledge


A guideline for how people should act or behave is called _________________.

a. law b. election c. rule d. origin
