What do you do when you want to talk or share in class?
Raise you hand quietly until you are called on.
What do you do when you first come in every day?
Hang up backpack, check folders for notes, take off outer wear- snow suits/pants, jackets and hang them up on your hook, sit at your desk and read/eat breakfast/complete assigned activity- QUIETLY.
How do we line up for recess, specials, lunch, and to leave at the end of the day?
Wait until you are called, push in your chair, and walk to line without talking. Wait in line QUIETLY while others are joining the line.
What does work time sound like?
Level 0, unless you have permission to talk, then level 1.
What should you do if you are missing a supply like crayons, pencil, scissors, or glue?
First double check your desk! Then check your table's supply bin, or ask a neighbor if they are willing to share.
What do you do if you finish your work early?
Read quietly, check your "Safe Folder" for unfinished work to complete, or help a friend
How do students respect other students' supplies and belongings?
By not touching them or destroying them. If you would like to borrow something or look at something, you may first ask nicely. If they say no, respect their feelings and ask someone else.
When can I use the bathroom?
During individual or group work time, during snack or lunch time. NOT during lesson time or class discussions. You still MUST tell the teacher before you go and write your name on the board.
What should you do with items that you find around the classroom and on the floor?
Find they belong (container, box, bin, trash, etc.) and put them away in their appropriate place.
What should you do if you hear the teacher says "Refocus"?
Raise my hand and stop what I am doing. Put my eyes and ears on my teacher -without talking- and listen carefully to directions.
What do you do if you have a question when the teacher is at small group or helping someone?
3 before me! Ask 3 friends for help before asking the teacher.
Where can you turn in your work?
In the "In-Bin" basket, on the shelf next to our supply bins.
How can you be a kind friend at recess?
Taking turns, hands and feet to self, using nice words, including others in your games, being a good sport, and solving conflicts by listening and reflecting together.
How do we line up to leave the room?
Wait until you are called, push in your chair, and walk to line without talking. Wait in line QUIETLY while others are joining the line.
How do we enter back into the classroom?
Walk in quietly without talking or noise and sit in your seat with your head down, ready to listen & learn.