What do you do when you want to talk or share in class?
Raise you hand quietly until you are called on.
What do you do when you first come in every day?
Hang up backpack, take off outer wear- snow suits/pants, jackets and hang them up on your hook, sit at your desk and read to self and eat breakfast- QUIETLY. The teams that do not need to be reminded earn a point for their table teams.
What should you do with items that you find around the classroom and on the floor?
Find where they belong (container, box, bin, trash, etc.) and put them away in their appropriate place.
How do you ask to go to the restroom or to get water?
Please use sign language for both. Demonstrate.
What does reading Must Do and May Dos sound like?
Level 0, unless you have permission to talk, then level 1. Teams that maintain a voice level zero earn a point for their table teams.
How do I know what to do first with Must Dos and May Dos?
What should you do if you hear the teacher says "Class, class"?
Stop what I am doing and say "yes, yes." Put my eyes and ears on my teacher -without talking- and listen carefully to directions.
What does it sound like during Math Must Dos and May Dos.
Level zero voice unless you are playing a game with a partner, then it is a level 1 voice. If people are taking a math test, then no one can play with a partner.
How do we treat other people?
We treat them with respect and kindness. We treat them the way we want to be treated.
When can I use the bathroom?
During individual or group work time, during snack or lunch time. NOT during lesson time or class discussions.
What do you do if you have a question when the teacher is at small group or helping someone?
Ask 1 or 2 students at your table as quietly as possible, so that no one knows that you're asking them. If that still doesn't answer your question, then you can wait patiently by Ms. Wolfe. She will address you when she can. Teams that maintain a voice level zero can earn a point for their team.
How do we get ready to leave at the end of the day?
Pack your things in your backpack, put on your coat and backpack. Clean off your table. Clean the floor all the way around your area even if it isn't yours. Raise your hand when you are ready for Ms. Wolfe to check your table. Earn a point if everyone on your team gets done quickly and quietly.
How can you be a kind friend at recess?
Taking turns, hands and feet to self, using nice words, including others in your games, being a good sport, and solving conflicts by listening and reflecting together.
How do we line up to leave the room?
Push in your chair, wait quietly until you are called, and walk to line without talking. Wait in line QUIETLY while others are joining the line.
I wait until I am calm. I use I statements and tell them how I feel and what I need. I apologize if I know that I have hurt my friend in all situations - accidental or mistake.