What language do Natalia & Esme speak at home?
What is Chinese?
What animal lives in a perch where they take car of their owlets?
What is a snowy owl?
What does it mean to compare?
To tell how two things are the same.
What is the meaning of this word:
An animal that hunts and eats other animals
Who is our classroom wrote a book about snow leopards?
Who is Joao?
What language does Joao speak at home?
What is Portuguese?
What is the Northern-Most region of the world that very cold?
What is the Arctic?
What does it mean to contrast?
To tell how two things are different.
What is important when we follow directions?
(hint: First, Next, Then, Last)
What can happen if we do not follow directions when we are making a recipe?
To listen carefully and go step by step in order
My food might taste bad.
What holiday did we decorate lanterns for?
What is Chinese/Lunar New Year?
What language does Sanav speak at home?
What is Kannada?
Which animal is NOT an Arctic animal?
Snowy owls, Arctic fox, or Snow leopards?
What is a snow leopard?
What is the effect of this?
It is sunny and rainy outside at the same time.
What is a rainbow?
What are some skills that help us answer questions about our reading?
Going back and rereading, reading the question first, using words we do not know to find out the meaning of words we do know, tapping out, etc.
Who in our class also has a sibling in ESL with Ms. Kiernan?
Who are Miranda and Natalia?
What language does Miranda speak at home?
What is Spanish?
What does it mean to research?
What is the effect of this?
We earned all of the stars in the jar!
What is Free Choice Friday?
What is the meaning of this word:
When people or animals move from one place to another place?
Which class rule is the most important to you? Why?
**varied answers*
What town did Ms. Kiernan grow up in?
What is Hillsborough, NJ?
What is the name of a polar bear's OR snow leopard's baby?
What is a cub?
What is important about Ms. Lee and Nina on the speaking test?
They will ask you a question and help you towards the right answer!
What is the meaning of this word:
A goal or promise you make to yourself
Who is our classroom wrote a book about Arctic foxes?
Who are Esme and Sanav?