True or False: I should start yelling out answers when I want to answer a question
False. I should raise a silent 5.
HALL stands for:
Hands by your Side
All eyes forward
Lips Zipped
Legs safely walking
_________on Bench
_______touching Tables
________on Food
Bottoms. Tummies, Hands
Sitting in Pride
BEAT Points or Reminder
BEAT Points
During Dismissal, I should go visit my teacher from last year.
No. When you are called for dismissal, go directly to where you are supposed to be.
True or False: I should always listen and Track the speaker
You see your favorite teacher from last year walking in the hallway. You should jump out of the line and go hug her.
True or False
False: You should finger wave and continue tracking forward in the line.
What kind of voice should I use in the cafeteria?
Restaurant Voice
BEAT Points or Reminders
BIG Reminder
When I walk into the dismissal room, I should talk and play with my friends.
No. Come in on Voice Level 0 so you can hear when they call your bus or name.
True or False: When sitting in Pride, I am sitting with my chair poking out, my head on the desk, and my hands playing with my pencil.
False. I sit in Pride Upright like a King/Queen, My hands folded on my desk, and my lips are zipped tracking the speaker.
True or false: I should run in the hallways! It's soooo safe and fun!!!!
Running to the lunch line: Yes or No
Running in the Hallways
Beat Points or Reminders
Dismissal time is when I should do my homework.
No. Everything should be put away in your bookbag so that you are ready to leave when your name or bus is called.
What is the signal to show I need to use the restroom?
Students must show the correct signal
When walking in the hallways, I should walk on the _________ line.
When I want to throw my food away, I_________.
Put it all on the tray and wait for someone to come around and collect it. Do not get out of your seat.
Someone hit me and I called his Mama a name.
Beat Points or Reminders
BIG Reminder
I should be running and cursing on the bus.
NEVER! That is not safe and someone could get hurt.
It's the Crown for me!
I need this when walking in the hallway.
True or false. Throwing food on the floor is a No-No.
If I have 2 Big Reminders can I go to the Royal Rave?
Dismissal time is playtime.