Author's Purpose
Using Commas

Think about how -ful changes a base word.

What does colorful mean?

Full of color


"Life was often difficult for Roberto Clemente." 

Is the author's purpose to Persuade, Inform, or Entertain us and about what?

To inform us that he did not always have an easy life.


The mountains and craters were made over time by rocks from space

Which of the following words best names a place?

made, time, rocks, space



She is standing in front of a wall and roof made of tree branches, grinning.

What is a synonym for grinning? 

Why did the author use this word?

grinning = smiling

The author wants us to picture the character grinning/smiling. She's happy.


Where are the commas correct?

A. I like to go swimming, fishing, and running.

B. I like to go swimming fishing, and running.

C. I like to go, swimming, fishing, and running.

A. I like to go swimming, fishing, and running.


Think about how -ful changes a base word.

What does careful mean?

Full of care


Helen Keller's relative shouted, "SHE’S SO POORLY BEHAVED, SHE SHOULDN’T BE HERE!" 

What was MOST LIKELY the author's purpose of including this statement? To persuade, inform, or entertain?

To persuade us that Helen was behaving in a naughty way.


ACT 1, SCENE 1 (It is summer, late morning. Mia and Tim are playing in the woods.) 

ACT 1, SCENE 2 (It is afternoon. Mia and Tim are walking to the fort in the woods. Mia stops.) 

How did the setting change from Act 1 to Act 2?

It is later in the day.


Next, flap it (the sheet pan) back and forth. It will sound like thunder.

What is a synonym for flap

Why does the author use that word?

flap = wave

The author wants us to think of the object being moved back and forth.


Where are the commas correct?

A. Dear Grandma

B. Dear, Grandma

C. Dear Grandma,

C. Dear Grandma,


Think about how pre- changes a base word.

What does preheat mean?

To heat before


"Another way to share information about a person’s life is through a timeline."

Does this sentence inform, persuade, or entertain?

The sentence informs us that timelines share information about people's lives.


My grandma and I take a walk. We pass a shop window. 

How did the setting change in these two sentences?

The two people started to take a walk from one location and are now outside of a shop.


Ella did a wonderful job on her timeline.

What does wonderful mean in this sentence? Why does the author use that word?

wonderful = great

The author describes Ella's work as great.


Where are the commas correct?

A. We went camping in Gatlinburg; Tennessee.

B. We went camping in Gatlinburg, Tennessee.

C. We went camping, in Gatlinburg Tennessee.

B. We went camping in Gatlinburg, Tennessee.


Think about how pre- changes a word.

What does premade mean?

Made before


"On an island of music in a city of drumbeats the drum dream girl dreamed."

Is this sentence meant to persuade, inform, or entertain us?

It entertains us with a story/poem about a girl who wants to play the drums.


I give Grandma a big hug as she leaves the store. 

I go to Grandma’s house the next day.

How did the setting change?

The time and location change. 

This person is with her grandma at a store one day and then the next day she sees her at Grandma's house.


Calder joked, "Everyone (who likes my art) is 6!"

What does joked mean? Why did the author use this word?

joked = laughed

The author wants to let us know he is giggling or kidding around.


Where are the commas correct?

A. We had clothes, food, sleeping bags, and a tent.

B. We had clothes, food sleeping bags and a tent.

C. We had clothes food, sleeping bags, and a tent. 

A. We had clothes, food, sleeping bags, and a tent.


Think about how pre- changes a word.

What does prework mean?

Work done before


"Children really like Calder’s art because it is fun." 

Does this sentence share a fact or opinion and what would be the author's purpose of sharing that?

It is an opinion about an artist. The author might want us to be persuaded to think the same way about the artist.


One day, I got a call in the middle of the night. It was four in the morning! It was Wendy from the zoo. “Come quick,” she said. “Elly had her baby!” I hurried to my car. It was still dark outside when I got to the zoo. 

How did the setting change?

The time has changed (from 4 in the morning to after that time) and the person who was called while they were at home got in a car and went to the zoo.


He was delighted by watching machines like the cable car that moved.

What does delighted mean? Why did the author use this word?

delighted = happy

Delighted means joyful and super happy about something. It shows the character was entertained by machines that moved.


Where are the commas correct?

A. Before we left we had to pack.

B. Before we left, we had to pack.

C. Before we left; we had to pack.

B. Before we left, we had to pack.
