Possessive nouns
Main idea
Verb tense

Which word shows a possessive noun?

Mary's     Marys



Amber was busy writing a story. Soon, she heard the bell rang and closed her journal shut. She put it away, stood up, and pushed her chair in. Off to the next place!

Where is Amber?

At school


What does main idea mean?

What the story or passage is mainly about


What is a pronoun?

A word that replaces a noun


What is the past tense of the word skip?



Which sentence shows a possessive noun?

1. The elephant's trunk is long.

2. The elephants' trunk is long.

3. The elephants trunk is long.

Sentence 1 

The elephant's trunk is long.


Splat! Oh no Katie thought as she cleaned up the mess. "I hope there's another one" She said to herself. After she cleaned up the mess, Katie went inside the refrigerator and pulled out another gallon. "Oh thank goodness, now I can eat"! She exclaimed! 

What did Katie drop? 



These animals have 4 legs and mostly live in houses. They love eating treats like bones and bacon. They love to play fetch and go for long walks. They also love to be pet! 

What do you think the main idea of this passage is? 

All about dogs.


What is the pronoun in the sentences?

Tyler went to the park and played on the swings. He then went on the slide and played tag with his brother. 



What is the present tense for the word walked?



Turn this sentence into a possessive noun:

The day of valentines.

Valentines' Day


Sam was so nervous. She heard the crowd gather in their seats quickly. She stepped into her spot and took her place. She heard the crowd get quiet. She took a deep breath and shut her eyes. When she opened them, she saw the crowd in front of her. She was ready! 

What is Sam?

A performer 


At this place you learn different subjects such as Reading, Math, Science, and Social Studies. You do a lot of writing as well. You also get to eat lunch in a cafeteria and play outside. 

The main idea of this passage is?

All about school


What is the pronoun in the sentence?

Cinderella couldn't go to the ball because of her evil step mother. A little later a fairy godmother came to rescue her and made her beautiful. She then went to the ball and had fun!



What is the past tense for the word sit?



Which sentence shows the correct possessive noun?

1. The teachers markers are rainbow.

2. Presidents' Day is a national holiday.

3. The Dinosours's bones are white.

Sentence 2:

Presidents' Day is a national holiday.


"Shhhhh, stop talking! It's supposed to be quiet in here"! Mary said to the person in front of her. "I can talk while I watch this" said that mean girl Sally. 

Where is Mary?

At the movies


These creatures existed millions of years ago. They walked our planet once but never again. There were many different types of these creatures. You can still find their remains deep down in the Earth. Paleontologists study these creatures and their bones. 

What is the main idea of this passage? 



Put a pronoun in the sentence

Terry and Mark went to the monster truck show to see the cool trucks and watch them do tricks. ______ were so excited when they saw their favorite one: The destroyer! _____ had so much fun at the show! After, they went home. 



Fill in the past tense and the future tense for the word:

_______   jump  _________

JUMPED     jump     JUMPING

Correct the sentence:

The lions mane is yellow and fluffy. His cubs are small and always on the run. They love to jump and hunt through the tall grass'.

The LION'S mane is yellow and fluffy. His CUB'S are small and always on the run. They love to jump and hunt through the tall GRASS.


"Let the countdown begin: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1! Wooooo, here we go! Up, up and away to a new place through the sky!" Jim exclaimed. Then he fastened his seatbelt and looked out the window. 

What is Jim on?

An airplane

A habitat is a place where animals get what they need to survive. An animal's habitat is where they find food, water and shelter. Different animals have different habitat's because they have different needs. For example, Frogs have a pond habitat and a Polar bear's have an artic habitat. 

What is the main idea of this passage?

All about habitats 

What pronouns belong in the sentence?

Cindy had a pink dress and yellow shoes. _____ loved this dress because it was her favorite. One day, a boy named Timmy was eating lunch and spilled milk on her dress by accident. ____ felt so bad and said sorry to her. ____ helped Cindy clean up her dress. Cindy wasn't mad at him after that. 

1. She

2. He

3. He

Fill in the present and future tense for the word:

Ran   _______    __________

