Interesting Facts

I was president of the United States of America during the War of 1812.        Who am I?

James Madison


British cannonballs bounced off my sides.  My nickname is Old Ironsides.  What am I?

The U.S.S. Constitution


Who was the first woman to be called "The First Lady"

Dolley Madison


Why did the British and French set up blockades against the Americans?

They did not want Americans to trade with their enemy.


Does represent mean to speak for or take action in place of someone else?  YES or NO?  

YES!  (The president represents the people in his country.)

Use REPRESENT in a sentence.


I helped save important papers and letters as well as a portrait of George Washington from the White House  before the British came.  Who am I?

Dolley Madison


I am the song that was made from a poem that Francis Scott Key wrote that tells what he saw in the Battle of Baltimore.  What am I?

The Star Spangled Banner


Why did President Madison NOT want to go to war with Great Britain?  Name 1 reason.

The United States was still a young nation with a very small population.  Our army and navy were not large.  He did not want to appear weak.


Why did the British and Americans keep fighting after a truce was signed to end The War of 1812?

Communication was slow.  Some people didn't know the war was over.


"Patience" means waiting for a long time and being upset about it!   YES or NO? 

NO!  Patience means waiting for a long time WITHOUT being upset; (At lunchtime we have patience while we wait in line for our food.)  Use PATIENCE in a sentence.


I put together a ragtag army and ordered fences or walls called entrenchments to be built in order to win the Battle of New Orleans.   Who am I?

Andrew Jackson


What is the difference between a pirate and a privateer?  

Privateers were hired by the government to attack ships and steal cargo.  Pirates attacked and stole cargo for personal gain.  


Which group in the government did NOT want to go to war with the British?

The Merchants


Tell 2 reasons why President Madison declared war on the British in 1812.

The British blockaded U.S. ports; impressed sailors; stole U.S. cargo; broke a treaty with the U.S.; attacked the USS Chesapeake; armed Native Americans.


The word, magnificent means something that is great and beautiful or impressive.  YES or NO?

YES!  (The White House is magnificent.)

Use MAGNIFICENT in a sentence.


I saw an enormous flag flying over Fort McHenry and I knew Baltimore had been saved.  I wrote a poem about what I saw.  Who am I?

Francis Scott Key


What did President Madison do when he heard that the British were 8 miles away from Washington D.C. 2 days before Christmas?

He told his wife, Dolley to go into the house and he went to join his army to fight the British.


What did General Andrew Jackson offer the pirates, Jean and Pierre Lafitte if they helped him defeat the British.

He said he would pardon them for their crimes - (forgive them).


Why did the Native Americans fight the American settlers with English guns in the Battle of Tippecanoe?

The English wanted to defeat the Americans.  The Native Americans wanted to remove settlers from their land.


Quench means to clean something up.  YES or NO?

NO!  Quench means to put something out or to lessen it; (The water will quench your thirst.)  Use QUENCH in a sentence.


Who are the people in the U.S. government who wanted to go to war with Great Britain?

The Warhawks


What is the document called that is the framework for our government?

The Constitution


Mary Pickersgill and her helpers made a huge flag with 15 stars and 15 stripes that would fly at Fort McHenry. How big was it?

It was about as big as a house.


Why was it important for Americans to defend the Mississippi River?

It was a main waterway for trading.


Dejected means very happy.  YES OR NO?

NO!  Dejected means very sad; I was dejected when I dropped my ice cream cone. (Use DEJECTED in a sentence.)
