Yankee doodle went to town ???
What is riding on a pony?
Percussion instruments are things you can...
What is hit, shake, or scrape?
The words to a song
What are lyrics?
Bate, bate, chocolate, con arroz y con ???
What is tomate?
What are the instrument families?
What is brass, percussion, strings, and woodwinds?
Bow, wow, wow ???
What is whose dog art thou?
When a note goes from a line to a space, and they are close together
What is a step?
What kind of instrument is an egg shaker?
What is shaker/unpitched?
What is it called when music is slow?
What is largo?
Oh my, oh my ???
No more pie, no more pie
When a note goes from a space to another space
What is a skip?
Which instrument is a scraper?
What is the guiro?
A song that was made long ago that no one knows who wrote it
What is a folk song?
When the notes stay the same
What is repeated notes?
What instrument is a metal?
What is the triangle?