Ayers Rock has another name.
What is the other name?
It's name is Uluru.
I am hungry.
I was hungry.
Luffy is __________ than Conan.
stronger / taller / bigger
Please introduce yourself!
Hello my name is...
I like...
I'm from...
I can...
My favorite...
What's this?
It's a stapler!
Where is Hajin from?
Hajin/He is from South Korea.
I play soccer at Daishi JHS.
I played soccer at Daishi JHS.
Mt. Fuji is the _________ mountain in Japan.
Mt. Fuji is the tallest mountain in Japan.
What do you want for your birthday?
I want...
What animal is Sonic?
He's a hedgehog!
Does Kota like basketball?
pg. 28
No he doesn't.
I go to cram school on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
I went to cram school on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
I'm sooooooooOooOOoOO
hungry... right now, I'm __________ lunch.
making / cooking / eating / preparing
What is your favorite
My favorite...
What does Danny collect?
Where did Kota take a trip to?
Who did he stay with?
He went to NYC.
He stayed with Tina's grandparents.
Are you going to eat that one fifth piece of pizza?
Did you eat that one fifth piece of pizza?
How's the weather tomorrow?
It doesn't look good.
Maybe it _________ rain tomorrow.
Maybe it will rain tomorrow.
What school event do you like the most?
I like...
Who is this?
He's blue.
He probably doesn't like Mickey Mouse.
He sleeps in the closet.
It's Doraemon!
Here We Go! was created __________
It was created by
I won't eat breakfast this morning.
I didn't eat breakfast this morning.
When there's an earthquake, you ___________ get to safety.
When there's an earthquake, you must get to safety.
When you become a 3rd grader, what do you want to try?
I want to try...
Last school year, 2 English teachers left.
Who were they?
Mr. Iwasaki and Ms. Furukubo!