What is the first thing you do when you come into the classroom?
WHat is hang up your backpack in your locker.
When I say, "Mirror Words", what is the class supposed to say AND do?
What is say, "Mirror Words" and put up your hands.
What is Rule 1?
What is follow directions quickly.
What special do we have on Monday?
What is ........
What is your teacher's name?
What is ......
Where does your planner go after you fill it out?
Where is in your desk.
When I say, "Class Class", what 3 things is the class supposed to say AND do?
What is say, "Yes yes", fold your hands, and eyes on the teacher?
What is Rule 2?
What is raise your hand for permission to speak.
What special do we have on Tuesday?
What is.......
What is 14.
What do you need to mark each morning on the whiteboard?
What is your attendance and lunch.
How does the class earn stars?
How is when you follow the class rules.
What is Rule 3?
What special do we have on Wednesday?
What is art.
What new device do you get to use in 2nd grade?
What is a Chromebook or computer or laptop.
Where do notes or lunch money from home go in the classroom?
Where is ..........
What happens when we earn all our Starries?
What is we unlock Super Improver and/or the scoreboard.
What is Rule 4?
What is make smart choices.
What special do we have on Friday?
What is STEM.
What is the name of another 2nd Grade teacher?
What is ........
What do you need to do before going to the bathroom?
What is .......
How many stars do we have to earn to unlock Super Improver and/or Scoreboard?
How many is 80.
What is Rule 5?
What is keep your eyes on the target.
What time do we go to lunch?
What is 11:35.
What is the name of the other 2nd Grade teacher?
What is .....