Egypt / Asia Minor
Mesopotamia + Essay Preview
Short Answer Questions

How did the Phoenicians make money since they couldn’t farm a lot?

They were expert sailors and fisherman. 

They were also skilled craftspeople.
They were famous for making the color purple from sea snails and also colored glass. 


What is a siege tower?

It was a tall tower on wheels used to help soldiers get over a city wall.


Why don’t we know much about the people of Ancient Africa? How did we learn about the history of the people of Western Africa?

Most ancient African history was passed down through stories and not written down. There are few written artifacts.


What do historians think happened to the Minoans?

Most historians believe Minoans left because they were expecting a volcanic eruption.

What was unusual about Queen Tiye being the queen of Egypt?

She was Nubian! Nubia was a different 'country' from Egypt back then. It was unusual for a non-Egyptian to rule the country.

Nubia is a geographic region. Today the region of Nubia is part of Egypt and Sudan.


Why did Nebuchadnezzar build huge walls around Babylon? 

To protect Babylon from invasion. Walling a city was very normal back then.


What helped the Mycenaeans dominate the Aegean Sea? List two things.

The Myceneans had stronger armor and weapons, made from bronze.
They also had especially good chariots which were hard to counter (fight against).


Minoans are believed to have had the first ___________.

A) Standing Army
B) Olympic Games
C) Navy
D) Really great parties

Minoans are believed to have had the first navy.


What was the “Golden Age of Egypt?”

This was a time of wealth and peace. They had a lot of money, not very much conflict/war and good leaders.


Why did Ashurbanipal want to build the Library of Nineveh?

Ashurbanipal wanted people to remember him as a smart king. He wanted people to be able to read his books for hundreds of years and knew how important stories are.

Babylonians eventually destroyed the library of Nineveh and all the books there.


Why did the Mycenaeans come to Crete?

Mycenaeans knew Crete was vulnerable (weak) and wanted to take it for themselves!

Crete is the largest island in Greece.


How were the Israelites different from other people of their time?

Israelites were monotheistic. This was unusual at the time. Most people/cultures were polytheistic at that time.


Why was purple the “Color of Kings” and what was it made from?

Purple dye came from sea snails and was very expensive and labor intensive (hard work) to make.

This meant only kings had enough money to ever buy it.

They say it took about 1,000 snails to color/dye a single gown/robe.


Why didn’t the Pharaoh want the Israelites to leave Egypt?

They were his slaves and he didn't want his workers to leave. 


Essay Preview

1) Who was the most interesting Egyptian Pharaoh and why do you think so?

2) Why was having good weapon technology important at this time? Give one example of a weapon that was talked about in the book.

3) Who built the Hanging Gardens of Babylon and why?

4) How were the Greeks different from the Barbarians? Explain one or two ways they were different.


How was Amenhotep different from other pharaohs? Why didn’t the Egyptians like this?

He was a monotheist and believed in only one god, Aten. Almost all Egyptians believed in many gods (were polytheists) so they didn’t like this.
