Terms #1
What does Above mean?
Upstairs, Upper Deck.
who was the first person to take off and land on a ship?
Eugene Ely
What is aft?
When was the Angled flight Deck first introduced?
What is chow?
What does it mean to call "all hands?"
To call all members of a command
What does B-17 stand for?
Bomber, 17th class model
What does below mean?
Downstairs, lower deck
What are the 2 types of aircraft?
When was pearl harbor and who was involved?
December 7th 1941
America & Japan
What is a fantail?
The main deck of a ship at the stern
What was the first nuclear aircraft carrier?
U.S.S. Enterprise
What does it mean to "carry on?"
Resume former activity
How fast can the Steam catapult launch an aircraft? and how quickly?
From 0 to 150 MPH in 2 seconds
What is the Navy's birthday?
October 13th 1775
What is a Field day?
Barracks cleanup
What year were the U.S.S. Lexington and Saratoga commissioned? (One year, not two)
What does is by your leave?
What is the purpose of the Angled flight Deck?
Allows a carrier to launch and recover aircraft at the same time.
Who created JROTC?
Lt Edgar R. Steevers
What is a brow?
A portable walkway from the pier or jetty to the ships quarterdeck
What does Q mean in terms of Mission-Modification Designations?
What is a galley?
Shipboard kitchen, kitchen of a mess hall, mobile Field mess
What is a Man-of-War?
A armed naval vessel
What type of warfare was used at the battle of midway?
Over the horizon warfare