Make Inferences
Author's Purpose
Drawing Conclusions
A logical guess or assumption about characters, settings, and events not directly stated in the text. (also called reading between the lines)
What is inference.
The way a writer develops characters and reveal their traits is called WHAT?
What is characterization.
The life lesson or central idea that the story conveys.
What is theme.
When you're trying to find out what the Author's Purpose for writing something is, you have to remember the word "PIE". "P" stands for Persuade, or to talk somebody into something. "I" stands for Inform, or to give information about a subject. "E" is for Entertain, which is like reading a book for fun instead of to learn something. What is the author's purpose for writing this paragraph?
What is inform.
While Billy was on vacation, he took a trip on a boat. The boat took him to the whales' feeding ground. There were many passengers on the boat. Everyone was excited at the thought of seeing a whale. Suddenly, a whale surfaced. Everyone went quiet. It was an awesome sight. Billy's eyes popped out of his head and his mouth dropped open. He stared at the whale, unable to utter a sound. HOW DID BILLY FEEL WHEN THE WHALE SURFACED?
What is amazed.
Explain how to make an inference.
What is using the details from the story and prior knowledge.
When the writer tells you exactly what the character is like by listing the character's personality traits, it is ________________ characterization. Example: Steve is loyal and caring.
What is direct.
Sarah didn't play with the new girl in her class, Laila, at recess. No one did. Laila had come to their school after winter break. She wore strange clothes and she spoke with an accent. Then one day, the teacher put Sarah and Laila together as partners on a class project. At first Sarah was nervous about working with someone so different, but then they began to talk. She found out that Laila had a little brother just like she did. Not only that, they both loved to draw and they both collected sea shells. Sarah invited Laila over after school to work on the project and see her shell collection. The girls worked well together and before she left, Sarah gave Laila one of her best shells to take home for her collection. The next day, Laila invited Sarah over dinner. The food was really different than what Sarah was used to, but it was also really good. Laila's parents were nice too. The girls got an A on their project, but even better, they became good friends. What is the theme?
What is don't judge people before you get to know them or don't judge a book by it's cover.
Watching the sun rise, David stretched and yawned. "This is going to be a good day," he thought. Climbing out of his sleeping bag, he went through his mind for all the things he had planned. Hiking up the mountain, catching a fish in the river, and bringing it back to grill over a hot campfire sounded like a great idea to him! What is the author's purpose?
What is entertain.
While Billy was on vacation, he took a trip on a boat. The boat took him to the whales' feeding ground. There were many passengers on the boat. Everyone was excited at the thought of seeing a whale. Suddenly, a whale surfaced. Everyone went quiet. It was an awesome sight. Billy's eyes popped out of his head and his mouth dropped open. He stared at the whale, unable to utter a sound. What two details from the story showed that Billy was amazed?
What is his eyes popped out of his head and his mouth dropped open.
I sat on the bench while Mother and Punch went into the room. I was a little worried about Punch, but I knew that he would get good care. As I waited I watched a tiny puppy wander toward the lady with a cat in a crate. Where is the main character?
What is a veterinarian's clinic or office.
When the writer tells you what the character does, says or shows how others react to the character, this is called _________________ characterization. Example: When I broke my leg, Steve stopped by my house every day after school to bring my homework and keep me company.
What is indirect.
Lucy never put anything away. When she made her breakfast in the morning, she left the cereal and the milk out on the counter, and she left her dirty bowl on the table. When she got home from school, she tossed her coat and her backpack on the floor where her mother often tripped on them when she came in from work. One day, Lucy and her friend Amelia decided to color pictures outside under the big oak tree. Lucy had just gotten a brand new box of 108 crayons and she wanted to try them out. They sat under the tree, happily coloring until it was time for Amelia to go home. "Want me to help clean up?" Amelia asked before she left. "Nah, I'll do it later," Lucy replied as she headed inside to watch TV. Lucy watched three shows and forgot about the crayons. The next day, when Lucy went outside to play, she found that the sun had melted her new crayons into a big, goopy mess.
What is put things away when you are done using them.
If you're wanting a game system for your birthday, the best you can get is a Wii. It offers lots of fun games for the whole family. My mom even uses it! She thinks the Wii Fit is one of the best programs out there. My dad just likes it for the Bowling games. I think that if you compare all the other systems with the Wii, you'll like it the best too!
What is persuade.
One difference between an alligator and a crocodile is that the alligator has a much larger snout. Also, the alligator has an overbite. This means that the teeth in its lower jaw fit behind the teeth in its upper jaw. But the bottom and top teeth of the crocodile fit between each other, forming a single row when closed. A reader could conclude that to tell a crocodile from an alligator you would look at ____________.
What is their mouths.
The room was dark and quiet. We heard Carl and his mother come in the front door talking. I heard two girls in the corner giggle nervously. Another girl told them to be quiet. I hid behind the table where the cake and presents were set out. The tension in the room grew as we waited for them to open the door. Why are the people in the room trying to be quiet and hiding?
What is it's a surprise birthday party.
What type of characterization is used in this example? The student was confused.
What is direct.
Cody had not studied for the big math test. When he got his test, he quickly realized that he had no idea how to solve the problems. Luckily, Cody sat right behind Emily. Emily was the best math student in the class and he could see her paper. Cody copied all of Emily's answers. The next day when Mrs. Jenkins passed back the graded tests, she told that class that only two students had gotten A's. Since these two students had done so well, she would have them explain some of the more challenging problems to the class. Emily was first. Mrs. Jenkins wrote a problem on the board. Emily solved it easily and explained each step to the class. Then it was Cody's turn. Again, Mrs. Jenkins wrote a problem on the board. Of course, Cody did not know how to solve the problem. A long moment passed as Cody stood in front of the board trying to figure out what to do. Some of his classmates started to whisper and snicker. "Can you solve this problem?" Mrs. Jenkins finally asked. Humiliated, Cody just shook his head. Now everyone knew he had cheated and he was in big trouble.
What is cheating does not pay off in the end.
I think Macintosh computers are better than Windows machines for several reasons. They are easy to fix, easy to set up and operate, and they don't get viruses! They ARE more expensive, but it's worth it to me to pay a little more up front and not have to worry with lots of difficult repairs later on. If you're wanting to buy a computer, I'd get a Mac!
What is persuade.
I had been stuck in the cabin for four days already. The snow piled up in front of the door made it impossible to get out. Even if I could get out, I wouldn't be able to find the road. I checked my food supplies, and it looked as if I could last another week, but no more than that. What worried me most was that I had no more wood to burn. How would I keep the cabin warm? Perhaps the more important question was this: Was anyone coming up here to help me? Based on the details in this passage, where is the narrator staying?
What is in the mountains.
"Shh…" Dale whispered to his friend Jim. Jim stopped talking mid-sentence and looked at Dale. Dale was dressed in a florescent orange sweater with the hood up and camouflage vest over the sweater. He watched as Dale pointed his rifle at the horizon and squinted one eye, and then Jim followed the barrel of the rifle. A large 10 point buck trotted about thirty meters from the bushes behind which Jim and Dale were positioned. What are Jim and Dale doing in the bushes?
What is hunting.
What type of characterization is used in this example? The student scratched his head in confusion as Mrs. Baehr tried to explain indirect and direct characterization again. "I just don't understand the difference." said the student.
What is indirect.
Kevin wasn't worried about his book share. He had three whole weeks to get it done. There was no reason to get started right away, especially when he had just gotten a new video game! The next day, Kevin thought about going to the library to work on his book share, but decided to play with his friends instead. He could go to the library on the weekend. The weekend came and instead of going to the library, Kevin spent the whole weekend at his cousin's farm. He didn't go to the library the next week either; there was always something fun to do instead. Two weeks passed and Kevin still hadn't started his book share. By the time he finally got to the library, there was not enough time to finish the book and write the book share. Kevin tried to write his book share without reading the whole book, but it did not go very well. Kevin failed the assignment.
What is time management is the key to success; don't put off until tomorrow, what you could do today; or school work is more important than playing.
Exercise is good for you! Studies have shown that children and adults who take part in regular exercise activities stay healthier and are happier than those who don't. Sitting around all day without getting up and moving around makes your brain and body feel tired.
What is inform.
I had been stuck in the cabin for four days already. The snow piled up in front of the door made it impossible to get out. Even if I could get out, I wouldn't be able to find the road. I checked my food supplies, and it looked as if I could last another week, but no more than that. What worried me most was that I had no more wood to burn. How would I keep the cabin warm? Perhaps the more important question was this: Was anyone coming up here to help me? What conclusion can you draw about how the narrator feels?
What is worried, nervous, or concerned.