One Step Equations
Multi-Step Eq. & exp.
Pot luck
1. This number completes the following equation for c: -5 = c / 7
What is -35
24. This number is the following expression evaluated for t = 6. 6t - 6
What is 30?
**This is the formula for the area of a rectangle.
What is bh? or lw?
40. Jason and Kyle both choose a number from 1 to 10 at random. This number represents the probability that both numbers are odd.
What is 1/4?
44. This answer is the following written as a sum, then simplified: 48 - (-14)
What is 48 + 14, 62?
5. This number completes the equation for b: 9b = 27
What is 3?
25. This number is the following expression evaluated with d = 3. 47 + 2d
What is 53?
**This is the formula for the area of a triangle.
What is 1/2 bh?
38. A drawer contains 4 red socks, 3 white socks, and 3 blue socks. Without looking, you select a sock at random, replace it, and select a second sock at random. This number represents the probability that the first sock is blue and the second sock is red.
What is 3/25?
35. (-2) + (-2) + (-2) + (-2). This is that expression written as a product and simplified.
What is 4(-2), -8?
9. This number completes the equation for a: a - 4 = 12
What is 16?
22. This number is the following expression evaluated for d = 8 and p = 1. dp / d + p
What is .89?
30. This is the area of a triangle with the following diagram: (Look at Elmo Projection)
What is 12 sq yd?
27. You select a card at random that has the letters M A T H E M A T I C S written on them. Without replaceing the card, you select a second card. This number represents the probability of P (M, then H.)
What is 1/55?
18. Suppose you rolls two number cubes and pick a letter of the alphabet at random. Find the probability you roll 2 even numbers and pick one of the vowels, a, e, i, o, or u. This number represents that probability.
What is 5/104?
10. This number completes the equation for y: y - 5 = -8
What is -3?
2. This number is what completes the following equation for n. n - 40 - 26 = -35
What is 31?
31. This is the area of the triangle that is shown on the projection. (see elmo)
What is 13.5 sq in?
28. You select a card from a stack of card that have the following letters on them: M A T H E M A T I C S. Without replacing the card, you select a second card. This number represents P(T, then a vowel).
What is 4/55?
26. The 9 officers of the Student Council are going on a trip to an amusement park. Each student must pay an entrance fee plus $5 for meals. The total cost of the trip is $225. This number represents the solution of the following equation which finds the cost e of the entrance fee for each student. 9(e + 5) = 225.
What is 20?
11. This number completes the following equation for g: 8,000g = 48,000
What is 6?
12. This number completes the following equation for m. 78 = -2(m + 3) + m
What is -84?
37. This number represent the total area given in the following situation: Uma is planning to decorate a blanket with this trianglular shape. She plans to cut out 68 triangles with these dimensions: b = 5, h = 7. She wants to know the total area.
What is 1,190 sq cm?
43. A bag contains 6 purple marbles and 7 white marbles. Two marbles are drawn at random. One marble is drawn and not replaced. Then a second marble is drawn. This number represents the probability that the first marble is white and the second marble is purple.
What is 7/26?
16. A submarine at the surface dives 375 ft and then another 175 ft. This number represent the final depth written as an integer.
What is -550 ft?