Careers in Art
Uses of Art
Art Terms
Religion and Art
Art Criticism
Grab your computer and play. Design new worlds.
What is Video Game design?
The visual beauty of art, seen in things we may decorate our homes with
What is Aesthetic?
In a landscape, the area that is closest to the viewer and farthest from the horizon line.
What is Foreground?
In this type of religious art, human representation is considered sacrilegious.
What is Islamic Art?
The details of what a piece of artwork looks like. No oppinion, just telling how it looks, as if you are sharing it with a blind person so they can visualize it in their mind.
What is Description or Describe?
Houses, Malls, Hospitals and other buildings all need to be designed.
What is an Architect?
Art that is functional and serves a purpose for other uses besides just looking nice.
What is Utilitarian Art?
Developed by the Romans, this technique to make figures look more natural, throws the weight off center.
What is Contrapposto?
A very different version of the crucifixion was painted by this surrealistic artist.
Who is Salvador Dali?
The part of art criticism in which one looks to see what Principles of Design are used and what Elements created them.
What is Analysis?
Movies like Toy Story needs these to design the imagery and characters.
What is animation?
Billboards and Propaganda posters can be examples of this kind of art.
What is Political Art?
The area in a landscape between the foreground and background.
What is middle ground?
Islamic mosaics are famous for their use of these.
What are geometric patterns?
The part of the criticism where one tells the story of what is happening in the image.
What is Interpretation?
In the theater on the stage and behind the scenes need this artist
What is set designers and costume designers.
Art that teaches us information like historical depiction of events or instructional guides like anatomical drawings.
What is Informational Art
The use of high contrast values with a lot of dark shaddows to create drama in a painting or drawing.
What is chiaroscuro?
The Roman temple used to worship their many gods and was an architectural marvel because of its large unsupported dome.
What is the Pantheon?
The part of Art Criticism in with one determines the visual success of the piece.
What is Judgement?
Grab your camera to shoot models, events or scenic views.
What is a Photo-Journalist
Art that has a spiritual influence and may depict stories from theological texts like the Bible or the Quran.
What is Religious Art?
Used widely in the Renaissance, this technique creates the illusion of depth as an object moves towards or away from the viewer in space.
What is foreshortening?
During the Renaissance in Italy, many religious pieces of art were created. Some of these pieces told stories from the Bible. An example of a religious piece of art that we studies this year is...
What is What is The Last Supper, Gilded Baptistry Doors or Christ and the Apostles in the Heavenly Jerusalem?
This is an image which radiates hope. The person in the image is happy and wants to share their happiness with the world. These statements would fit into what section of Art Criticism?
What is Interpretation?