Disaster Preparedness
Fire Suppression
Search & Rescue
CERT Organization
Psyc/Spiritual 1st Aid

The three killers you should check for in order.

What is: (A)irway obstruction (B)leeding excessively (S)hock


The first responsibility of CERT members when a disaster occurs.

What is: Personal and family safety


The three elements of fire

What is: (1) Heat (2) Fuel (3) Oxygen


Do this when leveraging a heavy object to remove a survivor from underneath it.

What is: Stabilize the object using cribbing as you go.


The method for establishing a CERT leader when a disaster occurs.

What is: The first person to arrive on the scene.


The primary focus of the police.

What is: Incidences of grave public safety.


This is as important as talking with a survivor.

What is: Being an empathetic listener


Three ways to stop bleeding.

What are: (1) Direct pressure (2) Elevation (3) Pressure points (Brachial, Femoral, Popliteal)


An example of CERTs non-disaster roles.

What is: (1) Staffing parades (2) Health fairs (3) Helping with other special events (4) Traffic control


The most effective fire extinguisher to put out Class A, B, and C fires. 

What is: A dry chemical extinguisher


The first thing to consider BEFORE entering a structure during a search and rescue operation.

What is: Consider safety by determining if there is structural damage and whether it is light, moderate or heavy.


What the IC does who is directing a CERT team when they have to leave their post.

What is: Designate the CERT Incident Commander position to someone else in the Command Post.


A well organized, well managed and well prepared CERT does the following:

What is: (1) Prepares in advance of a disaster (2) Responds in their community to address immediate needs when a disaster strikes.


Three things you should AVOID saying to a survivor.

What is: (1) “I understand” (2)“Don’t feel bad” (3) “You’re strong” (4) “You’ll get through this” (5) “Don’t cry” (6) “It’s God’s will” (7) “It could be worse” (8) “At least you still have...” (9) “Everything will be ok”


The conditions under which triage is most effective.

What are: (1) Where there are limited resources (2) More injured that rescuers (3) Limited time


The three types of disasters.

What are: (1) Natural (2) Technological (3) Intentional


The procedure CERT members should follow if they come to a closed door and fire is suspected behind it.

What is: Feel the closed door with the back of their bare hand from the bottom up.


The PPE acronym stands for...

What is: Personal, Protective, Equipment


The command system used by emergency response agencies to manage emergency responses.

What is: Incident Command System (ICS)


The five pieces of equipment that make up CERT PPE.

What is: (1) Helmet (2) Goggles (3) N95 Mask (4) Gloves (5) Work boots


Three things you SHOULD say to a survivor.

What is: (1) “I don’t know why this happened” (2) “You’re having a normal response to an abnormal event” (3) “How can I help you”? (4) “Tell me about what you’re afraid of or worried about” (5) “My heart goes out to you” (6) “You have my sympathy” (7) “Please know that I am here for you” (8) “Tell me what happened to you” (9) “Can I pray for you”?


The definition of triage.

What is: The process of sorting survivors according to the severity of their injuries.


Two things you should do first before searching a damaged home.

What is: Turn off the power and gas.


The proper procedure when storing flammable liquids.

What is: (LIES) L - limit, I - isolate, E - eliminate, S - separate 


The first size-up step.

What is: Gather facts


The information to provide someone that comes up to a damaged structure your team has determined is unsafe to enter and insists on going in.

What is: Warn them that the situation is unsafe.


The five classes of fires.

What are: (1) Ordinary combustibles (2) Flammable and combustible liquids (3) Energized electrical equipment (4) Combustible metals (5) Cooking oils


The four phases of a crisis.

What are: (1) Impact (2) Inventory (3) Rescue (4) Recovery


The four colors that designate the extent of injuries for survivors and the level of injuries they represent.

What are: (G)reen - walking wounded (R)ed - immediate (Y)ellow - delayed (B)lack - dead


Three locations you should keep disaster supply kits.

What are: (1) Home (2) Work (3) Vehicle


The size of fire CERT’s should attempt to suppress.

What is: When it is the size of a trash can.


List three spaces in a house that survivors should seek out for protection when a disaster approaches.

What are: (1) Bathtubs (2) Underneath desks (3) Inside cabinets (4) Under/next to beds (5) Inside closets


The CERT IC gives their documentation to these individuals.

What is: The first professional responders on the scene.


Give the acronym and steps to putting out a fire with a fire extinguisher.

What is: (PASS) Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep 


Give three ways to reduce stress.

What is: (1) Get enough sleep (2) Exercise regularly (3) Eat a balanced diet (4) Balance work, play and rest (5) Allow yourself to receive as well as give (6) Connect with others (7) Use spiritual resources


You see a woman lying beside the road and you go to her and call out your name and affiliation and ask “are you ok?” and get no response. You should take these steps. 

What are: (1) Assess for airway obstruction (2) Check for bleeding (3) Look for signs of shock.


Give three challenges disasters present.

What are: (1) They are relatively unexpected (2) Emergency personnel may be overwhelmed (3) Lives, health and the environment are endangered


The way to put out a fire.

What is: By removing one of the elements that causes a fire to burn. (Heat, fuel or oxygen)


The information placed in the left quadrant of a building marking that informs others of what has already taken place in that building.

What is: The organization’s name or team number.


Four objectives of CERT Organization in a disaster.

What is: (1) Identify the scope of the incident (2) Determine the overall strategy to address the incident (3) Deploy resources (4) Document actions and results.


Search and rescue consists of three phases of operations.

What is: (1) Size-up (2) Search - locating survivors and documenting (3) Rescue - Extricating and treating survivors


List six psychological symptoms of trauma. 

What is:(1) Irritability or anger (2) Blaming self and others (3) Isolation & withdrawal (4) Fear of recurrence (5) Feeling stunned (6) Numb (7) Overwhelmed (8) Feeling helpless (9) Mood swings (10) Sadness (11) Grief (12) Denial (13) Inability to concentrate (14) Memory problems (15) Relationship problems


You notice the woman you just found beside the road has blood spurting from a laceration on her thigh. Name this type of bleeding.

What is: Arterial.


The mantra for CERTS.

What is: Do the most good for the most people.


The first thing to do when dealing with an electrical emergency.

What are: (1) Shut-offs Circuit breakers


Three deciding factors a CERT considers before attempting a rescue.

What is: (1) The risks involved for the rescuer (2) How to do the greatest good for the greatest number (3) The resources and manpower available


Give three ways a CERT member should deal with the media.

What is: (1) Refer their inquiries to the CERT IC/TL (2) Keep the media from inhibiting CERT goals (3) Be careful about what information is released.


The four steps to a CERT size-up in order.

What is: (1) Gather facts (2) Develop a prioritized plan of action (3) Act on plan (4) Evaluate effectiveness of plan of action and surrounding circumstances.


The most critical step in dealing with the deceased. 

What is: Make ABSOLUTELY SURE your identifications of the person are correct so you can pass on ACCURATE information.
