Multicultural Britain
The British Empire
The American Dream
Unsex me

The American singer-songwriter with whom Javed becomes obsessed. 

Who is Bruce Springsteen?


The name of a fictional American archeologist played by Harrison Ford.

What is Indiana Jones?


Name of the Roman mother goddess as well as a film about a young woman who becomes pregnant and makes the hard choice of giving her baby up for adoption.

What is Juno?


The names of the two candidates now competing for the Precidency of the US.

Who are (Joe) Biden and (Donald) Trump?


The name of a novel and film about a man who claims to be confused about what it means to be male, because his generation was raised by women, and who finds a rather violent way to work through his issues.

What is Fight Club?


Krishna's nickname in the short film "Garfield".

What is Coconut?


The product which the following line advertises: "Brightening the dark corners of the earth"

What is Pear's Soap?


A genre in which the author exaggerates a tendency in real life and turns it into a worst case scenario.

What is dystopian fiction / dystopia?


The former civil rights movement leader whose speech "I Have a Dream" is known all over the world. 

Who was Martin Luther King Jr.?


The name of a Disney film in which the main character is often said to be a queen in more than one respect.

What is "Frozen"?


The type of English spoken in Jamaica.

What is patois?


The title of a world-famous poem by Rudyard Kipling in which the indigenous peoples of the colonies are described as "half devil and half child".

What is "White Man's Burden"?


When you have too many options to choose from and that causes stress.

What is choice overload?


This man, who immigrated from Austria to the US, was first a world champion bodybuilder, then a famous actor and later on became the governor of California.

Who is Arnold Schwarzenegger?


The name of the former Harry Potter-actress who delivered a speech on why "Gender equality is your issue too".

Who is Emma Watson?


The name of the street where Nazneen lives, as well as the name of the novel in which she is the main character.  

What is Brick Lane?


A simplified language used for e.g. trade between people, who do not share the same language. 

What is a pidgin?


A metaphor used to describe Hemingway's minimalistic writing style.

What is the iceberg technique?


Perhaps the most important document in the history of the US, signed in 1776 by among others Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and Benjamin Franklin.

What is the Declaration of Independence?


A topic of heavy debate, some claim this is a myth, while others blame it for fostering stereotypes and preventing gender equality. Also: the reason why we say that "boys don't cry".

What is toxic masculinity?


A language that is adopted as a common language between speakers whose native languages are different. (Basically, what English is to us, and the reason why Danes must learn English at school.)

What is a lingua franca?


Term coined by Edward Said about the discourse that westeners use about the east.

What is orientalism?


The name of a short story about a dystopian society in which only a set amount of people are allowed to live, causing the father of a set of triplets to result to violence.

What is 2BR02B?


The idea that American identity was shaped by life in the rugged areas often referred to as the "Wild West", resulting in a can-do spirit and a belief that a person should be defined by his/her skills and work ethics rather than e.g. family ties and wealth.

What is the Frontier Heritage?


This term originates from the cartoon "Dykes to Watch Out for" in which a character lays out a set of rules about the films that she allows herself to watch. 

What is The Bechdel Test?
