Mental Health
Active Living
Healthy Lifestyles
Skills & Strategies
Grab Bag

This mental health symptom involves the perception of a sight, sound, smell, taste, or touch that in reality is not there.

What are Hallucinations?


Although initially created as a children's toy, this hollow ring can be used as an exercise tool, with the repeated hip movements used to build core strength and stability.

What is a Hula Hoop? 


This nutrient often found in lean meats and beans is more filling than carbohydrates and promotes healthy muscle function. 

What is Protein? 


This coping strategy involves an individual recording important aspects of their mental health experience: specific thoughts, dreams, or ideas, which can be reflected on later. 

What is Journaling? 


This structure celebrating the westward expansion of the United States is often considered the largest man-made monument in the Western Hemisphere. 

What is the Gateway Arch? 


A common symptom in many mental health disorders, an individual will experience difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, especially at night. 

What is Insomnia? 

Originating in ancient Greece, this long-distance running event spans 26 miles and lasts several hours. 

What is a Marathon? 


This fad diet became immensely popular in the early 2000's, with the book promoting an unlimited protein, low-carb diet remaining one of the 50 best-selling books in history. 

What is the Atkins Diet? 


This coping skill originated in ancient India and is meant to promote a wholeness and connection between the mind, body, and spirit. 

What is Yoga? 


Introduced in 1979, this large crimson mascot was created to help entertain young fans attending St. Louis Cardinals games. 

Who is Fredbird? 


These repeated actions are often completed in attempt to relieve anxiety, and can often involve daily tasks such as washing hands, locking doors, or turning on/off lights.

What are Compulsions? 


Although this machine has been used to harness the movement of animals and humans for centuries, it wasn't until the 1960's that it was used to keep runners and walkers on a continually moving surface for exercise. 

What is a Treadmill? 


This nutrient most often found in milk and dairy products is crucial for the maintenance of healthy bones and teeth.

What is Calcium?


This is the common phrase used to describe the coping strategy of Behavioral Activation: continuing to engage in a normal routine and positive behaviors despite distressing feelings or symptoms. 

What is "Fake it 'til you Make It?" 


Prior to prohibition in the 1920's, Missouri was the second-largest producer of this alcoholic beverage in the United States, the production of which is now dominated by the Napa valley in California. 

What is wine? 


This term describes the ability to "bounce back," responding in a positive and health-focused way when faced with stress or trauma. 

What is Resilience? 


Often seen as an activity for senior citizens, this form of aquatic exercise allows for low-impact, high resistance movement causing less strain on muscles and joints. 

What is Water Aerobics? 


Not the same as washing your hands, this practice involves creating a healthy and consistent routine when preparing to go to bed. 

What is Sleep Hygiene? 


While often not a sustainable long-term coping strategy, this tactic allows a person to shift focus to a non-stressful activity such as listening to music, watching television, or playing a game. 

What is Distraction? 


This former St. Louis Cardinals first baseman held multiple major league records before admitting to the use of performance enhancing steroids, leaving an asterisk next to his name in the record books.

Who is Mark McGwire?


Often something we set with our support system, this is the practice of controlling the level of disclosure and vulnerability an individual shares with others in their lives.  

What are Boundaries? 


This area in southern Missouri offers over 750 miles of trails for hiking, biking, horseback riding, and other outdoor activities. 

What is the Mark Twain National Forest? 


Often used a cheap alternative to sugar, this corn-based sweetener can often be found in popular sodas and soft drinks. 

What is High Fructose Corn Syrup?


This set of strategies is meant to help individuals remain in the "here and now," grounding and centering using skills such as meditation and guided imagery. 

What is Mindfulness? 


This cheese, typically a blend of cheddar, Swiss, provolone, and mozzarella, is a staple in St. Louis-style pizza and sandwiches.  

What is Provel?
