It also happened in Salam.
In 1466, Agnes Waterhouse, a English peasant women, was tried, conflicted, and later executed for this crime in Chelmsford, England...
60 S in a M
60 Seconds in a Minute
Strike! Strike! Another strike?
When a bowler rolls three straight strikes, it is called this...
To abruptly or quickly leave (or) a flash of lightning...
This gem, often green in color, has been valued in East Asia for centuries as a symbol of purity and tranquility...
In 1966, this NBA team was ratified into the league - 34 years later the franchise would raise 6 NBA championships...
Chicago Bulls
9 L of a C
9 Lives of a Cat
Its the official sport of Canada.
"Clamping" occurs on the face-off, when a player pushes the back of his stick down on the ball in the attempt to gain control of it in this sport...
A club used in sports (or) a loud unpleasant noise...
In hopes to initiate a slave revolt, a military base in Harper's Ferry, West Virginia was raided in 1859 as an act of opposition to slavery, an event that escalated tension leading up to the Civil War and was lead chiefly by this now infamous abolitionist...
John Brown
After rising tensions and the Boston Massacre in 1765, 1766 saw British officials repeal the tax on this common mailing necessity in hopes to ease the uncertainty between the UK and its American colonies (it did not)....
90 D in a RA
90 Degrees in a Right Angle
This kick in European Football (soccer) is executed by somersaulting backwards and moving the legs in a "pedaling" motion in order to strike the ball in midair...
Bicycle Kick
The direction of a body of water (or) the present time...
Originating in Japan, this martial arts emphasizes grappling and ground fighting techniques, and first introduced into the 1968 Olympics in Tokyo ...
In 1466, this influential Italian Renaissance artist, known for his work on the Sistine Chapel ceiling, completed the iconic fresco known as "The Last Judgement."...
5 D in a ZC
5 Digits in a Zip Code
Ready. Set. Go.
This term refers to the foremost location on the starting grid, awarded to the fastest qualifier in auto racing...
Pole Position
A type of timber (or) to move clumsily...
Commonly used in literature, this term refers to the fact of two things being seen or placed close together with contrasting effect...
June 3, 1866 marks the exact date the 13th amendment was signed into law, abolishing the institution of slavery within the United States. However - due to state rights - several states avoided ratifying the amendment into legislation. It was this state who became the 50th and last to officially enact the 13th into their state law in 2013 - a full 148 years after the amendment was notarized...
12 S of the Z
12 Signs of the Zodiac
Ollie. Stale fish. Mule kick.
These are all terms to depict moves in this Olympic sport...
A shape (or) a calculated or specific number...
Caused by paramedic infection, this disease causes a yellowing to your skin and the whites of your eyes, fever, and chills, and is common in tropical regions...