Meaning Differences
Standard English
Making/Editing Sentences

Explain the difference between whose and who's.

whose shows ownership and is the possesive form of who.

who's is a contraction of who is or who has.


the telephone often ring during supper.

The telephone often rings during supper.

(capitalize t too!!!)


Make a sentence using the homophone gym and the homophone of gym.

Gym -> Jim


Jim, can you tell me where the gym is?


Edit this sentence.

Mallory is now ate years old

Mallory is eight years old.


I speaks without an mouth and hears without ears. I has no body, but I am alive with the wind. What are I?

I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I am alive with the wind. What am I?


explain the difference between bad and badly.

bad: adjective

badly: adverb


When you speak english using slang, everybody will understand you, no matter where you are.

true or false



Scrooge opened his eyes. There was a guessed in front of his house, and the guessed gave him a candy cane, a loaf of bread, and a box of cereal.

Scrooge opened his eyes. There was a guessed in front of his house, and the guest gave him a candy cane, a loaf of bread, and a box of cereal.


He flu away his flew.

Correct this.

He flew away his flu.


What do Alexander The Great and Winnie The Pooh have in common?




Mom, can I air the curtains every day? 

correct, or is

Mom, can I air the curtains everyday?


What's the difference between every day and everyday?


How would you correct this sentence into polite, standard english?

"Alright, how's it goin'?"

hello, how are you?


Homophones 300: What is the pair of homophones in number 83?

Hint: 200!!!

Guessed -> Guest 


As the woman in heals fell over the rock, the people said that heel he'll her.

As the woman in heels fell over the rock, the people said that he'll heal her.


What is able to travel around the globe, but stays in a corner the whole time?

a stamp 


Explain the difference between 

perquisite and prerequisite.

A prerequisite is a thing that is required as a prior condition. A perquisite, or perk for short, is something that you get in addition to your normal job salary, usually a non-cash benefit like use of a company car


the telephone often ring during supper.

The telephone often rings during supper.

(capitalize t too!!!)


Homophones 400: What are the pair of homophones in number 70? (3 answers)

Homophones 400 answers: flour-floor-flower


Is this sentence correct or incorrect?

Hey, where is the kernel?

It could be correct or incorrect!

Option 1) 

Hey, where is the kernel?

Option 2)

Hey, where is the colonel?


Photosynthesis takes place in two separate but dependant series of steps, the light reactions and the photosynthetic carbon reduction cycle; this second cycle (also known as the dark reaction / light independent stage / or the Calvin-(Benson-Bassham)* cycle) of photosynthesis occurs:

a) Only in the dark in intact plants
b) In the light and dark in intact plants
c) Only in the light in intact plants, although will work in the dark in a test-tube
d) None of the above



when should formal and informal english be used?

Formal Language Formal language is used for more official and serious purposes. The correct grammar should always be used. Informal Language In informal situations and informal writing, a more relaxed casual and chatty style can be used. Slang words and abbreviations are more acceptable.


(Solve the riddle too) Correct this question.

How is seven different from the rest of the numbers among one and ten?

Seven has two syllables and the other numbers only have one syllable.

How is seven different from the rest of the numbers between one and ten?


Make a sentence using a set of homophones (2 words), and 16 other words.

The flower of the plant was so beautiful that it made me forget about the flour I spilled on my shirt.


The Euclidean algorithm are a method for finding the greatest common divisor of two numbers.

correct the sentence and make an example of the Euclidean algorithm using the numbers 234 and 428

  1. Let a = 428 (the larger number) and b = 234 (the smaller number).
  2. Compute the remainder R of the division of a by b. In other words, R = a mod b.
  3. Replace a with b and b with R and repeat the division.
  4. Continue this process until R = 0. When R = 0, the divisor b in the last equation is the GCD23.

Let’s calculate:

  1. 428 mod 234 = 194
  2. 234 mod 194 = 40
  3. 194 mod 40 = 14
  4. 40 mod 14 = 12
  5. 14 mod 12 = 2
  6. 12 mod 2 = 0

So, the greatest common divisor of 234 and 428 is 2.

The Euclidean algorithm is a method for finding the greatest common divisor of two numbers.


What’s the longest word in the world and many letters is it? Also, how many time does it take to pronounce?


methionyl­threonyl­threonyl­glutaminyl­alanyl­prolyl­threonyl­phenylalanyl­threonyl­glutaminyl­prolyl­leucyl­glutaminyl­seryl­valyl­valyl­valyl­leucyl­glutamyl­glycyl­… (uncountable).

  • This word has 189,819 characters in its name and takes almost two hours to pronounce.[1]