Numbers and Operation
Geometry and Measurement
3rd Grade What is another way to show 4,608?
What is 4000+600+8
4th Grade Kira is using 1-inch square tiles to cover a table top. The table top is 24 inches long and 18 inches wide. she lays the tiles into strips of 6. How many strips of tiles will Kira need to cover the table with no gaps or overlaps?
What is 72
3rd Grade Which story problem can be solved using the number sentence 2xn=18? A. Tom had 18 pencils. He gave n pencils away and had 2 left over. How many pencils did Tom give away? B. Alice bought n books and spent $18. Each book cost $2. How many books did Alice buy? C. Maya had n rocks and 2 baskets. She put 18 rocks in each basket. How many rocks did Maya have? D. Pedro saw 2 kinds of birds. He saw 18 robins and n crows. How many crows did Pedro see?
What is B.Alice bought n books and spent $18. Each book cost $2. How many books did Alice buy?
3rd Grade The tree thinks Madan's idea to make a dress for the moon is A. Silly B. Mean C. Smart D. Clever
What is A. Silly
3rd grade Read the following dictionary definitions. Spread 1. to open over a large are (speed out a map) 2. to stretch out: extend (spread my arms wide) 3. to cover something (spread a cloth on the table) 4. to pass from person to person (the news spread rapidly) Which meaning best fits the way spread is used in paragraph 2 of the story?
What is 4. to pass from person to person (the news spread rapidly)
4th Grade Divide. 908 divided by 4
What is 227
4th grade Which statement is true about an obtuse triangle? A. It has 2 acute angles. B. It has 2 obtuse angles. C. It can be a right triangle. D. It can be an acute triangle.
What is A. It has 2 acute angles.
3rd Grade An equation shown 3x7=_____+7 What number makes the number sentence true?
What is 14
3rd Grade After the moon returns the dress the first time, Madan A. asks for help B. tries again C. cries all night D. gives up
What is B. tries again
4th Grade What word is the best definition of grown-ups in paragraph 6? A. Helpers B. Adults C. Friends D. Teachers
What is B. Adults
4th Grade There are 35 students going on a class trip. The students ride in vans. There are 7 students riding in each van. How many vans are needed to take all the students?
What is 5
3rd Grade Which Shape has the fewest angles? A. Hexagon B. Octagon C. Pentagon D. Trapezoid
What is D. Trapezoid.
4th grade An equation is shown. 12______5=17+43 What symbol makes the equation true?
What is x
4th Grade Who tells this story to the reader?
What is Lupe Gomez
5th Grade Read the sentence from paragraph 7. Because of its life sustaining nature, the Native Americans revered the tree. Which word means the same as revered? A. Replanted B. Avoided C. Shared D. Cherished
What is D. Cherished
3rd Grade Multiply. 507x6
What is 3,042
5th Grade How many edges does a hexagonal prism have?
What is 18
5th grade Yesterday, Jamal read 17 pages in his book. Today, he read more pages than he read yesterday. Which inequality shows p, the number pages Jamal could have read today? A. p<17 B. P<_ 17 C. P >17 D. P _>17
What is C P>17
4th Grade Why does Mom take Lupe to the Mexican restaurant? A. She is repaying Lupe for speaking for her. B. She is rewarding Lupe for getting good grades. C. She wants to treat Lupe's two friends to a meal. D. She wants to give Lupe's teacher a nice dinner.
What is B. She is rewarding Lupe for getting good grades.
Double Jeopardy!!! BONUS!!! Are we going to rock the MCAs???
What is Of course, YES, duuuh, absolutely, etc etc etc!
5th grade Divide. 2,564 divide by 8
What is 320.5
5th Grade A rectangular prism has a height of h cm. the area of its base is Bcm2 (squared). How much does the volume of the prism increase when the height is increased by 1cm? A. 1cm3 B. h+1 cm3 C. B cm3 D. B+ 1 cm3
What is C. B cm3
5th Grade Which value makes the equation 5b+15=30 true? A. b=3 B. b=9 C. b=10 D. b=75
What is A. b=3
5th Grade Which part of the tree did Native Americans use to make cooking vessels?
What is the slender roots
5th grade Based on paragraph 6, readers can conclude that the anchor lines for canoes A. needed to be strong to secure the canoes. B. were the smallest parts of the canoes. C. needed to be waterproof. D. were hard to use.
What is A. needed to be strong to secure the canoes.