What are the main jobs of the legislative branch?
to make new laws and change existing laws
What are the main jobs of the judicial branch?
to interpret the Constitution and laws, and to decide if laws are being applied correctly.
What are the main jobs of the executive branch?
to execute and enforce federal laws
L: the size of the supreme court is set by who?
L: Where do the Senate and House of Representatives conduct their business?
The Capitol Building
What are the 2 groups that make up Congress?
The Senate and the House of Representatives
Who is the leader of the Judicial Branch?
The Chief Justice
Who is the leader of the executive branch?
The President
J: What are the only 3 ways a federal judge can leave office?
resign, pass away, or impeached
L: What does Congress set that directly affects all parts of the government?
the budget
How many senators are in the Senate? AND How many members are in the House of Representatives?
100 senators in the Senate
435 members in the House of Representatives
How many supreme court justices do we currently have?
What is the cabinet?
A group of advisors to the President
E: How long is a presidential term?
4 years
J: What document does the Supreme Court use as a guide in making courtroom decisions?
The Constitution
If a law is vetoed and goes back to Congress, what fraction of people in Congress need to approve it for it to still become a law?
What are the 3 main levels of the judicial branch?
U.S. District Courts, Circuit Court, Supreme Court
Who helps the President run the government?
The Vice President
J: What are 2 things a presidential pardon can do for someone?
undo a federal conviction or change the sentence a criminal receives.
E: How much of each chamber of congress needs to vote to remove a President from office?
more than 1/2 the house and more than 2/3 of the senate
What happens if there is a tie vote in the senate?
The Vice President breaks the vote
Who appoints the judges in the judicial branch? Who do they need to be approved by?
The President appoints the judges
The Senate approves it
Who is in charge of the justice department?
Attorney General
How many terms can a president serve? how many years is that?
2 terms
8 years
J: Why are federal judges appointed for life?
It helps them make decisions without worrying about political pressures