Advanced Citizenship
Ethical Issues
Global Government Systems
Constitutional Law

What is the role of a citizen in a democratic society?

To participate in civic duties such as voting, obeying laws, and staying informed


Is it ever ethical to break the law? Provide an example.

Answers may vary. Some might argue it’s ethical in cases of civil disobedience against unjust laws.


What is the difference between a democracy and a dictatorship?

A democracy is a system of government where power is held by the people, typically through elected representatives. A dictatorship is a system where power is concentrated in the hands of one leader or a small group.


What is the purpose of a constitution in a country?

To outline the fundamental principles and laws that govern a country and protect the rights of its citizens.


How can citizens influence government policy outside of voting?

Through protests, petitions, contacting representatives, or joining advocacy groups.


What is the ethical dilemma in whistleblowing?

The dilemma is between the duty to report wrongdoing (loyalty to the public) and the duty to protect the organization or individuals involved (loyalty to employers or colleagues).


Name another form of government besides democracy and dictatorship.



How can the Mexican Constitution be amended?

Through a process that involves approval by a majority in the Congress and ratification by state legislatures.


True or False: Only citizens have rights protected under the law.

False. Non-citizens also have certain rights protected by the law.


How should you decide between loyalty to a friend and doing what is right?

Consider the consequences of each action, the impact on others, and whether the action aligns with your moral values.


True or False: All governments are based on the principle of separation of powers.

False. Not all governments have a separation of powers; some are centralized.


True or False: All laws in a country must align with the constitution.

True. Laws must be consistent with the constitution, or they can be declared unconstitutional.


What is civil disobedience, and when might it be justified?

Civil disobedience is the act of peacefully breaking the law to protest an injustice. It might be justified when the law itself is unjust.


True or False: Ends always justify the means. Explain.

False. Ethical actions consider both the means and the ends, not just the outcome.


Explain how federalism works in a country like the United States or Mexico.

Federalism is a system where power is divided between a central government and smaller political units, like states or provinces.


What is judicial review, and why is it important?

Judicial review is the power of courts to assess whether a law is in compliance with the constitution. It’s important for maintaining the rule of law.


Explain how digital citizenship has changed the responsibilities of citizens.

Digital citizenship includes being responsible online, understanding digital rights, and using technology ethically.


Describe a situation where ethical relativism might be challenged.

Ethical relativism might be challenged in cases where universal human rights are violated, such as in cultures that practice harmful traditions.


How do international organizations, like the United Nations, influence global government systems?

They promote cooperation between nations, set international standards, and can mediate conflicts or support peacekeeping missions.


Explain the concept of constitutional supremacy.

Constitutional supremacy means that the constitution is the highest law of the land, and all other laws and government actions must conform to it.
