Mr. Jones present to the ER and is diagnosed with hyperthyroidism after further testing. These are Mr. Jones current VS, what is he at risk for?
Bradycardia, Decreased RR, Hypothermia, Weight gain, Increase sleeping and cholesterol, weakness, Constipation, decrease libido
Camile, a new nurse starting in the cardiac floor knows that a blood sugar over # is DKA.
HHS is most common seen in? Two answers must be given
Older adults and type 2 DM
Insulin is released from the ___ of the pancreas
Beta cells
What disease is associated with hypothyroidism and identify one symptom
-Graves Disease
-S/S exophthalmos or Peritibial edema
What is your main focus with a patient with Hypothyroidism
Keeping airway open
Identify 3 s/s that are only seen in DKA
Acidic breath, Metabolic acidosis, Kussmual respirations
Is the anion gap + or -
Its negative
Glucagon is realeased from the ____ of the pancreas?
Alpha cells
What are the main lab values
Increased T3 & T4 and decreased TSH
____ is the most common type pf hypothyroidsm and is caused by an autoimmune response that leads to destruction of the thyroid gland by immunological process. What is the name of it?
Hashimoto's thyroiditis
What are diabetic patients more susceptible of getting according to the sick day rules.
the Flue and cold
What are the risk factors that cause HHS to happen?
Older adults, stress, infection, Inadequate fluid intake and decreased kidney function
What is the hallmark od diabtes mellitus?
Identify the pathophysiology of Thyroid storm?
a rare but life-threatening condition that occurs when there is a sudden and excessive release of thyroid hormones into the bloodstream
Mrs.Prada is admitted into oberservation unit at 0948, after report is given from the ED nurse you know that at 1100 her thyroid horomos is due. What is the name of the medication?
A nurse who works with diabetic patients knows that a arterial Ph # _and Serum bicarbonate # _ are a diagnosis for DKA
Arterial ph <=7.3
Serum bicorbonate >=18
Nacy a 79 year old women presents to the ER from home. She has type 2 diabetes, CAD, Increased troponin and a GFR rate of 6. After assesing her symptoms we order a CBC lab to be drawn at 1451. What are we expecting her BS to be?
Monet is a 45 year old women who presents to the ER with parathesia, unhealed wound and BMI of 25.8, she has a history of -Thyroidectomy, Thyroid Cancer, Gestational Diabetes, Preeclampsia and HTN. What is this patient at risk for?
Type 2 diabetes within 15 years of the birth.
What medications are used for hyperthyroidism?
Proplythiouracil(PTU), Methimazole(Tapaole), Lithium carbonate(Lithium)- Short term is Iodine.
What is a person most at risk for?
Hypovolemia is a secondary diagnosis in DKA from?
Osmotic Diueresis
81 year old gary has been at a nursing home for 5 years. You the nurse have been working at this facility for 3 years all year round and ypu are familiar with your patients medications and health status. when it is gary's turn to receive his Metformin at 0800 every day. Upon entering the room you notice that gary is presenting S/S of HHS. What specific S/S would gary be presenting with?
Neurological defects- LOC, confusion-Lethargic-Stupor.
What autoimmune diseases increase your risk of developing type 1 diabetes?
Thyroid, Celiac and Addisons disease.