Early life...
Kids' birthdays..
1. 24 year old Thomas married 16 year old Mary Stilwell. 2. His first wife died after 13 years of marriage 3. Married his second wife in 1886 4. Was 38 when he married his second wife
Number 4 is the fib. He was actually 39 when he married his second wife in 1886.
1. Edison had 7 kids 2. Marion was his first kid 3. His son Thomas was nicknamed "dash" 4. Married his second wife, mina when she was 20
#1 is the fib. Edison actually has 6 kids. He had 3 with Mary and 3 with Mina.
1. First born, Marion was born in 1873 2. Thomas, his second son, died at age 31 3. His son William graduated from Yale in 1900 4. His first wife Mary was a employee at his shop
#2 is the fib. Thomas actually died at age 59. He was born in 1876 and died in 1935
1. His last child was named Theodore 2. Mina outlived Thomas 3. Edison didn't have a child that was a girl 4. Edison's longest living child lived to be 94
#3 is the fib. Edison actually did have a child that was a girl. Her name was Madeleine
1. Mina's father was named Lewis miller 2. Mina died in 1933 3. Mary died of an unknown cause 4. Edison's children with Mina were Madeleine, Charles, and Theodore
#2 is the fib. Mina actually died in 1947 at the age of 81.