Period 1
Period 2
Period 3
Period 3 Documents

The Spanish labor system that required Natives be converted to Catholicism in exchange for their enslavement

What is the encomienda system?


A philosophical movement originating in Europe that expressed ideas of reason and science and sparked new thoughts in the British colonies

What is the Enlightenment?


Colonists who supported Great Britain before and during the American Revolution.

What is a Loyalist?


The first form of a constitution written in the united states.

What is the Articles of Confederation?


An uprising by Western Pennsylvania farmers who led protests against the excise tax on whiskey. 

What is the Whiskey Rebellion?


The Spanish priest who criticized the encomienda system and recommended slave labor be shifted to Africans

Who is Bartolome de Las Casas?


The 1676 event led by frontier farmers who were upset by the policies of Jamestown's governor; ultimately led to a shift toward slavery

What is Bacon's Rebellion?


A battle in which French naval forces forced the surrender of British forces. This led to the French and American victory of the American Revolution. 

What is the Battle of Yorktown?


A series of 85 papers written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay that promoted the ratification of the constitution. 

What are the Federalist Papers?


This Controversial treaty between Britain and the United States required British Forces to withdraw from U.S. soil along with American repayment of debts to British firms. 

What is the Jay Treaty?


The farming system that included planting corn, squash, and beans together. 

What is Three Sister Farming?


A governing document for Plymouth Colony signed by 41 men; the first agreement for self-government in America

What is the Mayflower Compact?


The end of this war led to the beginning of a negative relationship between the colonists and Great Britain

What was the French and Indian War?


This pamphlet was written to advocate for independence from Britain. Written by Thomas Paine  

What is Common Sense?


A plan that was put forth at the beginning of the Constitutional Convention that proposed a strong central government and a system of representation based on population.

What is the Virginia Plan?


The Conflict in the southwest between the Native Americans and Spanish that led to Spanish abandoning their fort for over 40 years. 

What is the Pueblo Revolt or Pope's Rebellion?


Minister who took part in the revivalist, emotional religious tradition during the Great Awakening by using his mobile podium.

Who is George Whitefield?


The event that is seen as a turning point showing the need for a stronger gov than the Articles of Confederation; a group of farmers in Western MA shut down the courts and the gov didn't have enough strength to shut the revolt down

What is Shay's Rebellion?


This addition to the Constitution allows a group of electors whose vote is the formal election of the president after the general election votes have been tallied. 

What is the Electoral College


A proposal at the Constitutional Convention that proposed one house legislature with each state having an equal vote.

What is the New Jersey Plan?


A social and economic system organized by a hierarchy of hereditary classes, in which lower social order owed loyalty to the social classes above them. 

What is Feudalism?


Laws that required colonists to ship certain products exclusively to England

What were the Navigation Acts?

A proclamation issued by the royal Governor of Virginia which offered freedom to all enslaved Black Americans and indentured servants held by patriots in exchange for joining the British army.  

What is Dunmore's Proclamation?


A law passed by the Virginia Assembly that ensured the separation of church and state and largely guaranteed freedom of religion.  

What is the Statute of Religious Freedom?


Jefferson and Madison's anonymous response to the Alien and Sedition Acts that argued that the state governments could nullify federal laws that they deemed unconstitutional

What are the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions?
