What color is chlorophyll?
How many leaves does an oak tree have?
Around 60,000.
What type of tree are pine trees?
When does chlorophyll start to break down?
In the fall.
What does Chlorophyll do?
It helps plants make energy.
How can dropping the leaves help the tree?
It saves the nutrients.
What are pine tree leaves called?
What color leaves does carotenoid make?
Orange and yellow.
What two things do plants need for chlorophyll to make energy?
Light and carbon dioxide.
What happens if the tree doesn't drop its leaves?
It would die.
What is inside the pine needles to help keep them from freezing?
What color leaves does anthocyanin make?
What is carbon dioxide?
It is a gas that is in the air.
What two things keep the leaves healthy?
Vitamins and nutrients.
How does wax help pine trees?
It keeps heat inside the needles.
Why do scientists think the leaves have anthocyanin?
They think it helps protect the leaves from the sun; it is like sunscreen.
What is the name of the process when plants make energy?
What two things can hurt the tree in winter?
What two things do leafy trees do that pine trees do not do?
Why are leaves green most of the year?
Because the chlorophyll is stronger than the other pigments.