Give some examples of how you can check in on your friends?
You can ask them. You can observe their body language.
What is a affirmation?
An affirmation is a positive statement that you believe is true about yourself.
How do you show respect to other people?
Talk politely. Communicate clearly. Keep your hands to yourself. Ask if they want a hug first. Raise your hand when you have an answer. One person speaks at a time.
When you have something to say, what should you do first?
Raise your hand.
Give 3 examples of how you can cheer up a friend who is feeling sad.
1 - talk to them
2 - help them talk to a counselor or teacher
3 - spend time with them
What is the difference between negative and positive affirmation?
Positive affirmations are statements that say something good and kind. Negative affirmations say something that is not good or kind.
How do you respect your class room (the space you work in )
Don't throw things. Don't take things that are not yours. Don't break things on purpose. Keep your area clean. Clean up behind yourself.
How can you help a classmate who is having trouble understanding the assignment?
You can help by giving them an example or asking your teacher to help.
How would you handle your feelings if your best friend forgot your birthday?
Explain in detail
Give 5 positive affirmations.
Full sentences only!
How can you show respect to yourself?
Explain in detail.
What makes a model student?
Explain in detail.