He is considered to be the founder of the Boy Scouts of America.
Who is Robert Baden-Powell? (Founded on Feb. 9, 1910.)
Scout Camp directly across the road from our current meeting location.
What is Oh-Da-Ko-Ta?
Name of our current Monday night meeting location.
What is Seno?
The more you feed me, the bigger I get. But give me a drink, and I go out quick.
What is a fire.
Color of the border around Eagle required MBs.
What is white?
This adult leader of Troop 303 teaches at Marquette University in Milwaukee.
Who is Mr. Beardsley?
Most definitely Troop 303's favorite indoor outing location.
What is Adventure Rock?
Troop 303's charter organization. (Hint: they make good pancakes)
Who is the Kiwanis Club?
I follow you but cannot flee, I change my size so endlessly. You'll find me when the sun is bright, but vanish do I in the dark of night.
What is a shadow.
Number of current (youth) Eagle scouts in Troop 303.
What is 0.
The first of our 3 new patrols, alphabetically.
Who are the Atomic Squirrels?
2025 Summer Camp location.
What is Bear Paw?
Number of scouts currently enrolled in troop 303 ... give or take 3.
What is 29?
I speak without a mouth, yet your words come flying out. Shout my way, and you will see, I'll send your voice, right back to thee.
What is an echo?
Number of Eagle required MBs that must be earned.
What is 14?
Troop 303's newest scout. (Just his first name is good to start.)
Who is Anthony Vitello?
Most popular WI destination for Scouts completing the 20 mile requirement for Hiking MB and favorite State Park of many 303 scouts.
What is Devil's Lake S.P.?
The last full-time Scoutmaster of Troop 303 before Mr. Beardsley.
Who is Mr. Schopp?
The maximum distance a Tenderfoot Scout can run into the woods.
What is half way?
Number of Eagle Scouts throughout the history of Troop 303 ... give or take 5.
What is 45?
We used to be known as the Boy Scouts of America and then Scouts BSA. As of one week ago today, this is what we now are called.
This is Mr. Dippold's favorite High Adventure trek - and among his top 5 favorite places anywhere.
What is the Boundary Waters?
Year that Troop 303 began ... give or take 10 years.
What is 1981?
Mce, mce, mce are we.
What are 3 blind mice (they have no I's)?
Troop 303's Eagle Service Project Coach.
Who is Mrs. MacDougall?