Policy and Procedures
Family Fee Policies

What is a daycare philosophy

The expectations of the childcare centre’s stakeholders, when this is applicable. (Stakeholders could be community members, parents, owner/operators, Community Centre/Neighbourhood House/ ECE Hub Directors or designates, other ECE’s employed at the facility.)


What is Content Vs Process

Content: Some educators believe that the content of a program is most important. Supports the notion that the goal of education is to provide children with content that enables them to succeed in school. Focus is on preparation for the next step in schooling. Achievement is evaluated by relating each child’s progress to ‘norms’ or ‘grade levels’.

Process: Looks at the child as an independent learner trying to move to levels of higher competence. Focus is not on preparation for the next step in schooling, but rather it is on achieving coping skills for the here and now. Believes that the process of learning and the development of problem solving skills is more important than content mastery.


Policy is a deliberate system of guidelines to guide decisions and achieve rational outcomes. A policy is a statement of intent and is implemented as a procedure or protocol. Policies are generally adopted by a governance body within an organization. Policies can assist in both subjective and objective decision making.

What is a Policy


Program Policies can include lengthy and complicated explanations for why parents are charged when their child is absent.

What is Charging for Absences Policy


What is a Non Profit Childcare Centre

•Will not expect a profit to be made from the revenue

•Each dollar of income is allocated to some expense for the centre (Income = Expense)

•Any surplus of revenue (profit) that is produced by the non-profit organization must be put back into the organization (cannot go to an individual or a group of people)

•Non-Profit Organizations:

•May qualify for some government grants that are not available to Private Organizations.

•Are not ‘owned’ by any one person or group

•Are usually set up through community grants and other organizations such as churches

•Are strictly to provide a service to the community

•Are not in the business for financial gain

•Are usually run by a board of directors (which may include parents and community members who are responsible for making decisions regarding annual costs, operating budgets, hiring, etc.)


What is a professional philosophy

We Believe


What is in a parent handbook

1. A Welcome Message

2. Operating Information

3. Your Child Care Philosophy

4. Enrollment and Tuition Details

5. Sign-In and Pick-Up Process

6. Daily & Fee Schedule Examples

7. Emergency Procedures

8. Birthday and Celebrations


Is a manner of proceeding, a series of steps, or a set of instructions for performing or effecting something.

What is a Procedure


It is important to confront the problem of late fee payments early and work out solutions that meet the program needs as well as those of the families.

What is Late Fee Payments Policy


What is Profit Child Care Centre

•Will have a goal to make a profit each year (Income › Expense)

•After all of the expenses are met, the centre hopes that there is money left over

•For Profit organizations are owned by one or more people

•The Profit that is made goes back into the centre or to the owner of the centre

•The profit must be claimed by the owner(s) and will be taxed as income


What is a personal philosophy

I Believe


What is in a staff handbook

1) Introduction

2) State Requirements

3) Job Description and Details

4) Policies & Procedures: Cellphone usage, Drugs and alcohol, Absenteeism and tardiness, Grievance periods, Time-off requests, Non-discrimination, Sexual harassment, Payroll and Dress code.

5) Center Operating Information: Pick-up and drop-off policy, Software used, Budget per classroom, Curriculum information, Diapering and toileting policy, Closing procedures, Parent communication guidelines, Sick child policy, Suspected abuse information, Social media/photography policies and classroom management

6) Orientation and Training Information

7) Emergency procedures

8) Contact Information

9) Signature page



This budget consists of: One-time expense incurred in starting a program. Initial building expenses and purchasing major equipment. 

What is a Start Up Budget


Most programs outline specific procedures for withdrawing a child. These are designed to give the program adequate notice so that it can collect any fees due from the outgoing family and find a new child to fill the vacancy.

What is Withdrawal Policies Policy


Are expenditures that tend to stay constant in the short term

What are Fixed Costs


What 3 ways philosophy views on how children learn 





What is in a job posting

1. Job Description

2. Contact Information

3. Salary & Wages

4. Benefits

5. Qualifications 


This budget are used when programming up and running. Every day expenses for materials, staff wages, snacks, printing, and cleaning materials. The budget for the following year is prepared well in advance of year end. (12 Month Program)

What is Operating Budget

The fee charged should be based on what it costs to provide a lev el of quality that is consistent with the program stated mission and values.

What is Family Fee Policies 


Are those expenditures that change as the number of children served changes.

What are Variable Costs


Philosophy On Professionalism

Time Management





What are some Interview Questions

1. What is your strengths and weakness

2. Why do you want to work here

3. What is our childcare philosophy

4. What do you know about our child care centre.

5. Why did you leave your last position

6. Had you had to hire or fire someone


Childcare Programs, Early Childhood Educators, Parents & Families

Child Care Fee Reduction - Parents & Families

Child Care Operating Funding - Parents & Families, and Child Care Centres.

Affordable Child Care Benefit - Parents & Families

$4 Wage Enhancement - ECE, ECE Students

$10 Day - Parents & Families

ECEBC Bursary - ECE, ECE Students

Government Funded ECE Cohorts - ECE, ECE Students

Child Care BC  Maintenance Fund - Child Care Centre

Child Care BC Capital Funding - Child Care Centre

New Space Fund - Parents & Families, Child Care Centre.

Start Up Grant - Child Care Centres.

Currently most programs collect on a monthly basis, which keeps the number of collections to a minimum and gives the program greater flexibility in managing cash flow.

What is Payment Terms Policy


Characteristics of an Effective Early Childhood Educator

•Authentic: Knows themselves and what they stand for; actions and behaviours are congruent with values and beliefs.

•Emotionally available: Engages in responsive interactions with children, families, and coworkers.

•Respectful: Appreciates that their life is enhanced through engagement with people of different backgrounds.

•Passionate: Possesses the desire to make a difference and the belief that it is possible.

•Resourceful: Able to work in less-than-ideal conditions or with limited resources.

•Fair/Just: Behaves and interacts in a way that demonstrates intercultural competence; is responsive to each child and family equitably.

•Flexible: Anticipates and values the need for change; pragmatic perseverance; willingness to advocate for their beliefs.

•Knowledgeable: Understands current recognized strategies and approaches and matches them to children’s interests, needs, and developmental levels

•Love of learning: Engages in continuous learning and conveys to children that learning is valued.

•Perseverant: Able to compromise in a win–win manner, while making progress toward their goals.

•Courageous: Willing to challenge the status quo to achieve goals for children.

•Professional: Conscientious about carrying out responsibilities; uses strategies to keep personal pressures from interfering in performance.

•Reflective: Intentional about reflection on performance and acts on constructive feedback.
