Word Types
Prepositions and Conjunctions
Spelling Mistakes
Comprehension Skills

are words that name things



Recognizing Active and Passive Sentences

1. All the food at the party was eaten.
2. I fed the cat last night.
3. The mail is delivered every day.
4. The mailman delivers our mail in the morning.
5. The meeting will be held in the conference room.

1. passive – past tense 2. active – past tense 3. passive – present tense 4. active – present tense 5. passive – future tense


 The dog waited beside the road until his owner tugged the lead.




The athleet won gold at the sports carnival.



are words that tell us more about a noun



Change the following sentences to passive voice.

People speak English in Australia.
They are writing the report now. 

1. English is spoken in Australia. 2. The report is being written now.


The dog went through the tunnel.

The dog dropped the bone from his mouth.



I felt nervus as I waited for the race to start. 

 He sat down in a cumftabul armchair.

nervous  comfortable


are words that describe verbs, adjectives and other ...



Change the following sentences to passive voice.

The dog bit the mailman. 

 He was still fixing the car when I arrived at the garage.

3. The mailman was bitten by the dog. 4. The car was still being fixed when I arrived at the garage.


 The ball fell in front of the dog.
 The dog ran towards his owner.
 Dogs like to snuggle under blankets, far beneath a cosy cover.

in front of 


under, beneath


It was a perfict day at the beach.

I heard an incredable story on the news about a boy surviving an explosion.




Parrot Passenger 

When they come to a stoplight, drivers sometimes look at the people in other cars. Mr. Beren noticed that a man in the car next to him had a large green parrot on the passenger seat. The parrot seemed to be talking. When the man rolled down his window, Mr. Beren was surprised to hear that the bird wasn’t talking but barking. The owner leaned out his window and explained, “He lives with three golden retrievers, and he thinks he’s a dog.” The light changed, and Mr. Beren chuckled all the way home.

1. Fill in the correct circle to show whether each statement is a fact or an inference. 

A. Mr. Beren noticed a large green parrot in a car.
B. Mr. Beren was curious.
C. The parrot learned to bark by listening to the dogs.
D. The parrot’s behavior amused Mr. Beren. 

2. In this paragraph, the word chuckled means
A. vomited.
B. challenged.
C. laughed.
D. sighed. 

3. The main idea of this paragraph is
A. a surprised passenger.
B. a bewildered driver.
C. a barking parrot.
D. a red light stop. 

4. From this paragraph, you can conclude that
A. the dogs were in the car.
B. the parrot often surprised people.
C. the parrot really was a dog.
D. the dogs disliked the parrot.  

1. A. Fact B. Inference C. Inference D. Inference 

2. C 

3. C 

4. B


are words that join two main clauses together. You can remember  them using FANBOYS

Co-ordinating conjunctions


Form an active and passive sentence using the groups of words provided below.

1. Lee Harvey Oswald / kill / President Kennedy / 1963 
 2. Alexander Graham Bell / invent / the telephone. 
3. John Lennon / write / the song “Imagine”

1. Lee Harvey Oswald killed president Kennedy in 1963. / President Kennedy was killed by Lee Harvey Oswald in 1963.
2. Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone. / The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell.
3. John Lennon wrote the song Imagine. / The song Imagine was written by John Lennon


Name Co-ordinating Conjunctions

Use a coordinating conjunction to rewrite these pairs of sentences as one sentence.

 1.     We enjoy watching films. We enjoy going bowling.
2.    He wants to win the race. He is running more slowly than the others.








1.     We enjoy watching films and we enjoy going bowling. 2.    He wants to win the race but he is running more slowly than the others


1. In the end, he made the right disishon. 

2. The school fair was a great suckses.  

3. I couldn’t stop larfing!  

4. Answer the qwestions carefully.



New Rules 

NASCAR is the National Association for Stock Car Racing. In recent years, this organization has made some changes in its rules. For example, steel and foam cushioning has been placed around NASCAR tracks to better absorb impact from hurtling cars. Race car drivers must now wear special head restraints that limit their neck movement during sudden stops. Air filters have been added to race cars to keep carbon monoxide out of the cockpit. The tires also have straps now to keep the wheels from flying off during crashes.

1. Fill in the correct circle to show whether each statement is a fact or an inference.  
A. NASCAR’s new rules were made to improve safety. B. Drivers now wear head restraints.
C. Race car drivers are sometimes hurt in accidents. D. Race cars give off carbon monoxide. 

2. In this paragraph, the word absorb must mean
A. exaggerate.
B. change.
C. withstand.
D. forgive. 

3. From this paragraph you can conclude that
A. race car drivers are unhappy with the changes.
B. stock car racing is an easy sport.
C. accidents have occurred in NASCAR races.
D. NASCAR tracks are perfectly safe. 

4. Which word in the passage is a clue to how the writer feels about the rule changes?
A. sudden B. better C. hurtling

1. A. Inference B. Fact C. Inference D. Inference 

2. C 

3. C 

4. B


usually introduce a pronoun, a noun or a noun phrase. They can tell you where things are in relation to each other 



Ask questions using the information provided and the passive voice.

 Mr. Brooks is going to fire his secretary. (why / she / fire) 

  You shouldn’t wash that jacket. (how / it / clean) 

 My favorite TV program was cancelled last night. (what / program / show / instead)

The police found the stolen car. (where / it / find) 

Why is she going to be fired?
 How should it be cleaned?
What program will be shown instead?
Where was it found?


Use a subordinating conjunction to rewrite these pairs of sentences.

My hands are freezing cold. I forgot to bring my gloves today.
My mum takes me to the match every week. She doesn’t like football.

     My hands are freezing cold because I forgot to bring my gloves today.

My mum takes me to the match every week even though she doesn’t like football.


1. He rudely interupted the politician’s speech. 

2. He proudley pinned the medal on his friend’s uniform. 

3. The tall women went to visit her aunt in hospital. 

4. We kept our old possessions down in the celler. 

5. Many special events such as Valentines Day fall in Febuary.







Energy Savers 

What do you do with your hands on a cool day? You might tuck them in your pockets. In much the same way, a bird puts its head under a wing. It does this to keep warm when sleeping. Birds also are known to stand on one foot while sleeping, which makes them look like incomplete drawings. There are two reasons birds do this. They give one leg a rest, and they keep body heat from escaping through their featherless feet. You might say that birds are excellent energy conservationists.

1. The underlined words in this paragraph are an example of figurative language called
A. metaphor B. personification C. simile D. hyperbole 

2. The main idea of this paragraph is
A. how birds conserve energy.
B. how people keep their hands warm.
C. what birds do with their heads.
D. how birds are like people. 

3. Which word in the passage is a clue to how the writer feels about birds’ behavior?
A. warm B. incomplete C. excellent 

4. Reread the paragraph. Find and write an example of a metaphor  

1. C 2. A 3. C 4. birds are excellent energy conservationists
