Storage areas of the cell - stores water and waste.
What is a vacuole
Smallest living part
Animal cells have these but plant cells don't (trick question)
Are cells living?
Maintains balance in the cell
Separates the cell from its environment – controls what enters and exits the cell.
What is the cell membrane
Cells that are similar and work together.
What are tissues
This cell has features that include a cell wall and chloroplasts
What are plant cells
Can living things be only 1 cell
Give an example of the body maintaining homeostasis
Ex. sweating, fever, heart rate, etc.
The powerhouse of the cell – where respiration takes place.
What is mitochondria
Tissues that work together.
What are organs
Provides support and protection for a plant cell.
What is cell wall
The basic building blocks of all living things.
A cell, Cell Theory Part 1
Controls what comes in and out of the cell and gets rid of waste
Cell Membrane
The control center of the cell – contains chromosomes made of DNA.
What is a nucleus
A living individual
An organelle that uses photosynthesis to capture sunlight and converts it into food
What is chloroplast
Organisms are made of 1 or more cells
Cell Theory Part 2
What controls the cell and tells it to divide
The gel-like fluid inside the cell
What is cytoplasm
Not living parts of organization (2)
Atom and molecule
The two cell parts that plant cells have and animal cells do not.
What are the cell wall and the chloroplast
All cells arise from pre-existing, living cells
Cell Theory Part 3
What makes energy from food