What was some of the garment called that the priest wore when God was establishing the Tabernacle in the book of Exodus?
Ephod, Breastplate,Tunic, Undergsrements
Who was the first Prophet in the Bible?
Where was Jesus born?
How many books in the Bible
What are the 4 books of the new test
What did the people wear when they were in mourning?
which prophet talked about talked Jesus coming the most
Where did Adam and Eva get kicked out of
200 extra points if you say what the consequence was
Garden of Eden
Sin came into world, and all women would have pain during childbirth.
How many books in old test and new test
Old Test-39
New test-27
The women at the well had how many husbands?
What did Pharaoh clothe Joseph with?
Garments of fine line
Who had a vision about what the heavenly begins looked like?
Where did Pharaoh tell the soldiers to throw the Hebrew firstborn born babies?
How many days was Moses on the mount for when he was getting laws from God
40 days
What was the name of Moses Wife?
400 extra points if you can spell the name right
What holy garment did Elijah wear?
A robe
Who anointed David to become the future king of Israel?
Where was Jesus Baptized?
Bouns 400 who baptized him
In the Jordan River
and John the Baptist
What does the number 7 mean?
What was the name of Noah's grandfather?
What were the garments the priest wore made of?
When Abraham looked up, how many men did he see nearby?
On what mountain did Jesus transform his appearance?
Mount Sinai
What did God make on the 4th day when making the world?
The sun the moon and the stars
How did David dance?
With all his might
Now you and your group have to dance with all your might for 10 seconds.