Earth’s Structures
Plate Tectonics
The Rock Cycle
Weathering, Erosion, Deposition

What is the outermost layer of the Earth called?

What is the Crust?


What is the theory that explains how Earth's Crust (lithosphere) is divided into large, rigid plates that move over the mantle?

What is Plate Tectonics?


What process changes one type of rock into another type of rock?

What is the rock cycle?


Define weathering.

What is wind, water, and ice cause a weathering  of existing rocks, breaking them into smaller pieces?


What is the biosphere? 

What is the biosphere relates to the living matter on the planet and is made up of all parts of the Earth where life exists, including all ecosystems?


Which layer of the Earth is primarily made of iron and nickel?

What is inner core?


What causes the movement of tectonic plates?

What is earth's thermal energy --> convention currents?


What are the three main types of rocks involved in the rock cycle?

What is sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous rocks? 


Describe how deposition occurs.

What is the smaller pieces of rock continue to be weathered by friction, broken down, and moved through the watershed. The rock particles gradually become deposited as sediment such as that which covers the ocean floor. The process by which material is deposited or laid down in a new place is called deposition?


What is the hydrosphere?

What is the hydrosphere includes all the waters on the Earth’s surface as well as the cycling water on the planet?


Which layer of the Earth is solid and composed mostly of rock?

What is the crust?


How does the movement of tectonic plates affect the Earth's surface?

What is causes the creation of mountains and other landforms, volcanoes, and earthquakes?


How are sedimentary rocks formed?

What is sediments are compacted into layers and are compressed and cemented together into rocks?


What fuels the rock cycle?

What is the rock cycle is fueled by (a) Earth’s internal energy which leads to the movement of the plates and the formation of different rocks; and (2) energy from the sun which causes rocks to be broken down and moved?


What is the geosphere? 

What is the geosphere relates to Earth’s structures related to the landforms, rocks, and other materials which make up the Earth itself?


The Earth's inner core is believed to be:

a) Liquid

b) Solid

c) Gas

B) Solid


Which type of tectonic plate boundary is responsible for the formation of mountains?

What is convergent boundaries? 


How does an igneous rock form?

What is in volcanic eruptions, magma (from the mantle) or molten rock spews from volcanoes as lava and is cooled on Earth’s surfaces?


How are fossils related to sedimentary rocks?

What is ofssils are the preserved remains, impressions, or traces of once living things and are found in sedimentary rocks?


What role does the atmosphere play in Earth's systems?

What is the atmosphere is made of all layers of the gases surrounding our planet.  These layers help to give Earth the perfect environment for life. It is the atmosphere that holds the warmth generated by the transfer and transformation of energy on Earth (which greatly influences weather and climate patterns). The atmosphere also protects Earth from meteors and the sun’s damaging ultraviolet radiation?


Name the layers of Earth's geosphere from the inside out.

What is inner core, outer core, mantle, and crust?


What is a transform boundary?

What is two plates sliding past one another form a transform plate boundary. The plates grind past one another, often breaking the crust and causing faults. Many earthquakes are found at transform plate boundaries?


How does a metamorphic rock form?

What is as the heat and pressure increases, metamorphic changes occur and the sedimentary rock is changed to metamorphic rock. Metamorphic rock can occur when rock is heated, but not melted?


What is the difference between weathering and erosion?

What is weathering breaks down rocks but erosions moves broken down rocks?


Explain how the 4 systems are interrelated (hydrosphere, geosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere).

What is there is a flow of energy and a flow of matter throughout the systems and each system is connected to the others through this flow?
