What is the difference between an import and an export?
An import is a good or service sold within a country, but produced in another country. An export is a good or service produced in a country and sold outside of the country.
Like Sumer, Phoenicia consisted of what?
Phoenicians are believed to be the first to use the ____ to guide their voyages?
North Star
How many symbols were in the Phoenician alphabet?
Phoenician ships could be up to what size?
60 feet long
What is navigation?
The art of steering a ship from place to place
DAILY DOUBLE: The rulers of Phoenician city-states were generally who?
What precious metal did Phoenicians trade for in Iberia? In West Africa?
Silver and gold
Phoenicia did not survive, but what 2 empires absorbed elements of Phoenician culture?
Greek and Roman Empires
Phoenicians shipped wine in large ceramic vases called what?
DAILY DOUBLE: What is an alphabet?
A set of letters or symbols, each of which stands for a single sound.
Approximately when did Phoenician society emerge?
1150 B.C.
What attracted Phoenicians to to areas that became colonies?
Fertile land and other resources
DAILY DOUBLE: Phoenicians link diverse people and cultures through what?
Phoenician sailors were skilled navigators and had great knowledge about what?
Wind and ocean patterns
What is a colony?
An area ruled by a distant country
Name 3 Phoenician exports. Name 3 Phoenician imports.
Exports: bronze and silver bowls, iron tools and weapons, gold jewelry, pine and cedar logs, wine, olive oil, salt, and fish
Imports: gold, silver, tin, copper, iron, ivory, and precious stones
Phoenicians set up trading stations along the Mediterranean that allowed ships to stop and do what?
Pick up water, food, and other supplies
The Phoenician alphabet made what process easier?
What landform was the eastern border of Phoenicia?
Lebanon Mountains
What is cultural diffusion?
The spreading of cultural traits from one region to another
Why did Phoenicians become sailors and traders rather than farmers?
Heavily forested mountains left little land for farming, or the Phoenicians had to take to the sea
What pushed Phoenicians to start leaving Phoenicia and start migrating to their colonies around 800 B.C.?
Phoenicia was being attacked by the Assyrians and other groups
Each symbol in the Phoenician alphabet stood for what?
Consonant sounds
Phoenicians reacher Iberia, which today includes what countries?
Portugal and Spain