Terminology is important. (True or False)
What is True?
What is the term used when white people move from the city to the county.
What is White Flight?
Name the term Kimberle Crenshaw coined when two social targets intersect.
What is intersectionality?
The term that is used when a neighborhood does not want a nonprofit or social services in their community.
What is NIMBY? Not in my back yard.
State what this acronym means - CESED.
What is Community, Economic, Social, and Environmental Development?
Micro and Macro roles interconnected. (True or False)
What is True?
Legally binding documents within a real estate transaction that sets out the terms, conditions, and obligations. Historically used to continue racist practices in home ownership.
What is a Covenant Deed?
Community can transcend geography. (True or False)
What is True?
_______ is an example of a non-geographical community
What is race, gender, religion, linguistics, license...?
Urban Gardening and Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) are examples of _________Development.
What is a Community Development?
Professionally guided interventions designed to bring about change in organizational community and/or policy arenas.
What is Macro Practice?
A portion of Saint Louis University's campus is located on the land of this historically black neighborhood.
What is the Mill Creek Valley Neighborhood?
Name a Community Theory.
What is Systems, Human Behavior, Human Population or Social Ecology theory, Conflict Theory, Resource mobilization Theory, Power Dependency Theory, Social Capital Theory, Interactional Field Theory?
Name two types of data sources used in assessments.
What is opinions, judgments from key informants through comm. Forums, public hearings, face to face interaction, focus groups
Collect service statistics
Locate epidemiological studies
Find studies of incidence and prevalence of problems
Use social indicators
Conduct or locate a survey
Conduct secondary analysis of existing studies
Lack of public transportation, walking or bike paths is a sign of an ____________community.
What is unhealthy?
Direct Practice alone can address large scale community conditions. (True or False)
What is False?
What is Urban Renewal/development? Housing Act of 1954
Name two systems identified in the Dual Perspective Framework.
What is Nurturing and Sustaining?
Name two types of community assessment.
What are Comprehensive, Familiarization, Problem orientated and Subsystem?
An example of ________ development is you programming at a youth center.
What is Social Development?
Population, Arena, Condition, and Policy are four aspects of _______________ Framework.
What is Macro Practice Conceptual Framework?
Name a contemporary perspective.
What is strengths, empowerment, or resiliency?
How is community organizing and community development different?
What is
CD – works to build social and physical infrastructure in communities
CO – goal is to build social bonds, address structural roots of problems
Would a neighborhood association be a horizontal or vertical community.
What is a horizontal?
Business Incubators are examples of ...
What is economic development?
Name three Micro skills that can be used in Macro social work.
What are silence (Listening), indirect questions, paraphrasing, and summarizing?
Saint Louis University started a social work program in _19??__.
What is 1930?
Name two functions of community.
What is Production (Distribution and consumption), Social control, Socialization, Mutual Support, Defense, Communications?
Give an example of a nongeographic community.
What is Cinematic, Business or innovative community or a social identity/ affinity community
St. Louis Agency on Training and Employment is an example of __________ development?
What is Workforce/Economic Development?