what dose ADHD stand for
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
what is the medication for ADHD
what is a problem with ADHD in school
lack of concentration
what can you contact in SK for ADHD
what is the causes for ADHD
no cause
what therapy can you go to for ADHD
Behavior Therapy
what is something that can be a problem in public with ADHD
social skills
what easy phone number can you call for ADHD
211 Saskatchewan
who is diagnosed with ADHD in our group
what kind of training can you go through for ADHD
Social skills training
what is a positive of ADHD
hyper focus
what phone number can you call in Canada for ADHD
Psychology Today (306 517 7068)
what is another branch of ADHD
can ADHD have less of an effect on your life the older you get
what is a symptom of ADHD that can effect your sleep
lack of melotonin
where can you go to get a diagnostic for ADHD
the docters