Human resource management (HRM)?
Aims to recruit capable, flexible and committed people, managing and rewarding their performance and developing their key skills to the benefit of the organization
Process of recruitment
1. Establish the exact nature of the job vacancy and draw up a job description The job description provides a complete picture of the job and includes
2. Draw up a person specification
3. Prepare a job advertisement reflecting the requirements of the job and the personal qualities looked for
4. Draw up a shortlist of applicants
5. Conduct interviews
Levels of hierarchy?
The different grades of responsibility and seniority in an organization
The art of motivating a group of people towards achieving a common objective
Intrinsic and extrinsic factors that stimulate people to take actions that lead to achieving a goal
Labour turnover?
Measures the rate at which employees are leaving an organization
Different types of training
On-the-job training
Off-the-job training
Cognitive training
Behavioral skills training
Organizational structure helps a business function more efficiently due to:
Accountability - who's accountable for a certain job
Responsibility - who’s in charge of whom and in what role or capacity
Laissez-Faire leadership style?
Leaders have minimal direct input in the work of employees, they are encouraged to do as they think
Can cause high motivation and workers gain experience
May create slack or stress when workers are not helped
Herzberg → ______ theory :______
(fill in the blanks)
motivation-hygiene theory, Some factors that led to them having very good/negative feelings about their jobs
Equation to calculate the labour turnover
number of employees leaving in 1 year x 100 / (average number of people employed)
Which core activities should not be outsourced?
Change management
Strategic HR planning
The process of removing one or more levels in the hierarchy to flatten the organizational structure
Paternalistic Leadership style?
Treating employees like family, guiding by consultation & wanting the best for workers
A positive paternalistic is when leader nurtures and develops workers
A negative paternalistic is when workers are treated as incapable
List 3 types of financial rewards.
-most common form of payment
Time-based wage rate
-payment to a worker made for each hour worked
Piece rate
-payment to a worker for each unit produced
-payment to a sales for each sale made
Evaluating labour turnover
Limitation: Costs of recruiting, selecting and training new staff, Poor output levels and customer service due to staff vacancies before new recruits are appointed
Benefits: Low-skilled and less-productive staff might be leaving – they could be replaced with more carefully selected workers, New ideas and practices are brought into an organisation by new workers
Centralisation and Decentralization?
In centralized structures, decisions are made by a small group of people (usually the head office i.e. the center of the organization). There tends to be very little delegation.
In decentralized structures, decision-making, authority, and responsibility is shared with others. Usually made by managers not based at the head office, meaning delegation and empowerment takes place.
Key Functions of Management? (list 2)
Setting objectives and planning - Senior management will establish overall strategic objectives and these will be translated into tactical objectives for the less senior managerial staff.
Organising resources to meet the objectives - Senior managers will ensure that the structure of the business allows for clear division of tasks and that each section or department is organised to allow them to work towards the common objectives
Directing and controlling staff - The significance of developing staff so that they are motivated to employ all of their abilities at work is now widely recognised.
Coordinating Activities - The goals of each branch, division, region and all staff must be welded together to achieve a common sense of purpose.
Controlling and measuring performance against targets - Management by objectives establishes targets for all groups, divisions and individuals
Performance-related pay (PRP)?
Bonus scheme to reward staff for more work performance
Consequences of changing work patterns and practices
Advantages of part-time and flexible contracts for the business
Employees can be required to work at particularly busy periods of the day but not during the slack times,
Advantages for the workers with part-time and flexible contracts
This contract could be ideal for certain types of workers
Drawbacks of part-time and flexible contracts for the business
There will be more employees to ‘manage’ than if they were all full time.
Drawbacks for the workers with part-time and flexible contracts
They will be earning less than full-time workers.
What Affects Organizational Structure? (list 3)
Management style - an autocratic manager adopt a hierarchical structure
The business size - the larger the business the more formal the structure
The market - if the market changes, decisions need to be made quicker
The culture - certain cultures are used to certain structures
Example of autocratic leadership
List of Non-financial rewards? (list 3)
Job enrichment
- greater responsibility to the workers
Job rotation
- the practice of rotating employee jobs
Job enlargement
- Increase of tasks with same level of workers
- providing resources to the employees
- connecting aim of the organization to the employees
- consists of different workers and different groups