80s Hitmakers
A Woman's
Hollywood History
This 'n That
"Pop" Culture

This singer dreamed of an "Uptown Girl".

Who is Billy Joel?


This Jazz singer who got her start at amateur night at the Apollo Theater became the first African-American woman to win a Grammy Award.

Who is Ella Fitzgerald?


More than 1,400 actresses vied for the part of the world’s most famous southern belle. The part eventually went to this Hollywood starlet.

Who is Vivien Leigh? 


This is the both the world's biggest island, and the world's smallest continent. 

What is Austrailia?


In this movie, Dorothy never said, “Toto, I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore.”

What is The Wizard of Oz? Dorothy says, “Toto, I’ve a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore.”


This soft drink was originally developed as patent medicine to cure sickness, headaches, neuralgia, hysteria, and melancholy.

What is Coca-Cola?


This 80s hitmaker proclaimed that she didn't "Need Another Hero."

Who is Tina Turner?


In 1889, Jane Addams opened a settlement home named Hull House in this Illinois city.

What is Chicago?


“No one has ever written a romance better than we lived it,” said Lauren Bacall, who starred in in four movies with this Hollywood actor.

Who is Humphrey Bogart? The couple starred in four movies including: "To Have and Have Not" (1944) "The Big Sleep" (1946) "Dark Passage" (1947) and "Key Largo" (1948)


This brewery started a book of world records in 1955.

What is Guinness? The brewery’s managing director at the time, Sir Hugh Beaver, had the idea to create a book that could settle pub arguments over facts and figures.


 In the 1967 film The Graduate, this actor is misquoted as saying, “Mrs. Robinson, are you trying to seduce me?”

Who is Dustin Hoffman? The correct quote is, “Mrs. Robinson, you’re trying to seduce me. Aren’t you?” Anne Bancroft plays the role of Mrs. Robinson.


In the 1920s, this lemon-lime soft drink was created with a unique selling proposition: It promised to lift people's spirits and cure hangovers.

What is 7-Up?

This country crooner teamed up with Dolly Parton to sing "Islands in the Stream."

Who is Kenny Rogers?


Malala Yousafzai was this old when she  became the youngest person to win a Nobel Peace Prize.

What is seventeen?


This famous time-travel movie written by Bob Gale and Robert Zemeckis was turned down by 44 movie studios before becoming a top-grossing film of 1985. 

What is "Back to the Future"?

Self-taught engineer Percy Spencer patented this kitchen appliance in 1945.

What is the microwave? 


During this NASA mission with the same name as the movie, no one ever said, “Houston, we have a problem.”

What is Apollo 13? The first transmission was, “Okay, Houston, we’ve had a problem here.” NASA didn’t catch the full transmission, so it was repeated as, “Ah, Houston, we’ve had a problem here.”


This bright green, citrus-flavored soda was originally sold a mixer for whiskey. 

What is Mountain Dew? In the 1940s, Tennessee beverage bottlers Barney and Ally Hartman developed Mountain Dew as a mixer for whiskey because their own favorite mixer was no longer available. The original flavor was lemon-lime, and the name they chose was a reference to moonshine. 


This English pop band felt "Hungry Like a Wolf" in 1982.

Who is Duran Duran?


As of 2019, this actress holds more Academy Award nominations than any other actor.

Who is Meryl Streep?


This African American actor to have equal billing as a star along with a white actor. He and Tony Curtis starred together in the 1958 movie "The Defiant Ones."

Who is Sidney Poitier? His co-star Tony Curtis refused to do the movie unless equal billing went to both men. 


This entertainer from the ’50s and ’60s was born as Walden Robert Cassotto in the Bronx. Hint: He’s known for hits like “Splish Splash.”

Who is Bobby Darin? He is also known for singing “Beyond the Sea” and “Mack the Knife."  


“Why don’t you come up and see me sometime” is the misquote attributed to this actress in the 1933 film She Done Him Wrong.

Who is Mae West? The correct line is, “Why don’t you come up sometime and see me?” West’s leading man is Cary Grant.


Coca-Cola is the reason this holiday character looks the way he does today.

Who is Santa Claus? In 1931, the company commissioned artist Haddon Sundblom to create a new image of Santa Claus for its holiday advertising campaign. The resulting image was a kind, grandfatherly bespectacled figure in a fur-trimmed red suit, often pictured holding a bottle of Coca-Cola. This massively successful campaign (and all the ones that followed) helped to solidify the image of Santa Claus as we know it today.


It was this heavy metal band that raged "we're not going to take it."

Who is Twisted Sister?


In 1922, Alaska P. Davidson became the first woman to have this title in the FBI. 

What is Special Agent?


This Hollywood star – and literal princess – became the first celebrity to featured on a U.S. postage stamp in 1993.

Who is Grace Kelly? By the time she was featured on the postage stamp, Grace Kelly had already retired from acting. She left the Hollywood scene at age 26.


It is this branch of the U.S. military uses the slogan “Be All You Can Be”?

What is The U.S. Army? First used in a 1980s advertising campaign, the slogan was brought back in 2023 to appeal to the younger generation.


The words ‘Elementary, my dear Watson” do not appear in any of the books about this brilliant-yet-moody detective.

What is a Sherlock Holmes? It was misquoted in a New York Times film review for the 1929 movie The Return of Sherlock Holmes.


This orange-flavored drink was originally born out of wartime necessity after WWII rations made it impossible to import necessary ingredients for classic Coca-Cola. 

What is Fanta? Max Keith, the head of Coca-Cola's German operations, ordered his team to create a new soda using only the available industry byproducts such as whey, fruit shavings, and apple fibers. Today, Fanta is sold in 188 markets, per the brand's Facebook, and has a wide range of flavors, but its origins as a wartime innovation remain an important part of its history.


This band's name is pretty long, so it's sometimes abbreviated as NKOTB.

What is "New Kids on the Block"?


In 1960, Jane Goodall began researching chimpanzees in this African country.

What is Tanzania?


This fashion-focused movie starring Anne Hathaway and Meryl Streep is known for having the biggest costume budget in film history, with its costumes costing over $1 million.

What is "The Devil Wears Prada"?


Roald Amundsen was the first man to reach this point on Earth’s surface.

What is the South Pole?


An enduring misquote from the movie Frankenstein is “He’s alive,” but this is the actual quote.

What is “It’s alive”? People still quote it wrong today.


You may be horrified to learn that the carbonation in sodas was originally achieved by adding this ingredient — which is also a type of construction material.

What is marble? 
