“Male” Order
Edible Expressions
Grab Bag
Family Affair
Father Time

This casual piece of furniture is associated with men for relaxation and watching TV.

What is a recliner? It is also sometimes referred to as a La-Z-Boy. However, the company La-Z-Boy Inc. is a furniture manufacturer that sells more than just these popular recliners.


As flat as this

What is a pancake? For example, “My hair is as flat as a pancake today.”


“Where’s the beef?” is associated with this fast-food restaurant.

What is Wendy’s? Founder Dave Thomas named the chain after his daughter.


Carroll O’Connor is the head of this family in All in the Family.

What is Bunker? O’Connor’s portrayal of Archie Bunker is beautifully played, as is the rest of the family’s—particularly Edith, his wife, and Meathead, his son-in-law.


These are often buried in the ground or encapsulated in locked boxes or vaults to be opened at some predetermined time.

What are time capsules? Paul Revere and Samuel Adams are credited with the oldest known time capsule. It was tucked away in the Massachusetts State House and was discovered in 2014. Its contents are on display at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts.


Interestingly, men in beer commercials don’t usually sport this kind of stomach.

What is a beer belly? A man’s metabolism often slows down after he turns 35, which can lead him to develop a beer belly.


A mineral that is “of the earth,” and you can “take it with a grain”

What is salt? “Salt of the earth” refers to kind, decent people, while “take with a grain of salt” is to be skeptical.


This is Germany’s once-divided capital

What is Berlin? Paris has more people than Berlin, but Berlin is nine times the size of Paris.


This is the family name of the characters in The Godfather.

What is Corleone? The family is one of the leading organized crime dynasties in New York.


Every fall, North America and parts of Europe move their clocks back one hour from daylight saving time to this.

What is standard time? When daylight saving time was introduced, its purpose was to conserve energy, not to give an extra hour of daylight to farmers. In fact, farmers opposed it.


If women are from Venus, men are from this planet.

What is Mars? John Gray popularized the planet comparison in his book Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus.


A car that requires endless repairs

What is lemon? Do you remember the Ford Pinto and all its fires? Pinto and lemon were once synonymous.


This is the text under a photo in a newspaper or magazine.

What is a caption? Writers call photo captions “cutlines.”


This is the name of one of the March sisters in Little Women.

What is Jo, Meg, Beth, or Amy? Louisa May Alcott took only 10 weeks to finish the manuscript.


This timepiece uses the sun to tell time.

What is a sundial? The pointer on the sundial marks the time and is called a gnomon (NO-mun), which comes from the Greek word for “indicator.” The time is calculated by the shadow the sun makes on the gnomon.


This is a popular name for a man’s room in the home.

What is a man cave? It’s typically filled with games, musical instruments, exercise equipment, large TVs, and anything related to sports.


What you’re in when you’re in a tight space

What is pickle? If your social security check is deposited late, you might be in a pickle.


The “cement pond” comes from this TV sitcom.

What is The Beverly Hillbillies? Buddy Ebsen, who plays Jed Clampett, also plays Doc Golightly, a similar role, in Breakfast at Tiffany’s. That’s how he was considered for and received the role on The Beverly Hillbillies.


The actor who plays the father in Family Affair, his character relies extensively on Mr. French to tend to his children while he works.

Who is Brian Keith? Keith began his acting career when he was three years old, appearing in the 1924 film Pied Piper Malone.


A list of events that includes the dates they occurred and is displayed in a simple graph is called this.

What is a timeline? For fun, put together your own timeline of the major events in your life.


This is a type of genetic baldness.

What is male pattern? Male pattern baldness begins at the hairline and works its way back. It eventually forms a U-shaped bald area.


A thing or person that can be won, obtained, or persuaded with little effort

What is low-hanging fruit? It’s often used when talking about getting new voters. The candidates go after low-hanging fruit.


When this brand’s wooden suitcases got shiny metal studs, it also got the tagline “strong enough to stand on.”

What is Samsonite? Founded in 1910, it was the first brand to introduce a suitcase on wheels, in 1974.


They are the members of the Judds musical duo.

Who are Wynonna and Naomi? During their heyday, the mother-and-daughter duo had 14 No. 1 singles.


Before the Gregorian calendar, people operated by this calendar.

What is Julian? Before the Julian calendar, people lived under the Roman calendar. The switch to the Gregorian calendar occurred in 1582.


Fedoras became popular after appearing in this type of production in the 19th century.

What is a play (theater production)? In 1883, the hat made its debut in Fédora, a French play.


A phrase for a lofty idea that has little chance of becoming a reality

What is pie in the sky? When someone suggests something in a brainstorming session that is ridiculous, they might hear the reply, “Oh, that’s just pie in the sky.”


The character Long John Silver is from this book by author Robert Louis Stevenson.

What is Treasure Island? . Stevenson also authored The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.


Deborah Heiligman authored a book about the Van Gogh brothers. This was Vincent’s younger brother’s name.

What is Theo? The title of Heiligman’s book is Vincent and Theo. Theo was an art dealer and helped Vincent’s career trajectory by introducing him to the avant-garde artists in Paris. Vincent later joined their group, which became known as the Post-Impressionists.


The M in a.m. and p.m. stands for this.

What is meridiem? A.m. stands for “ante meridiem” and p.m. stands for “post meridiem,” meaning “before midday” and “after midday.”
